Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Longer Without Intents …

Back to business.

But why do I have to do four postings this week?

There used to be a routine.

There used to be an order for the postings.

The posting routine should have structured my thoughts and my life 

- kind of channel my creativity.

Flabbergasted that is all I am at the moment.

And what is creativity? Did I have it once? Did I really have to channel it?

And we are in the middle of the Twelve Nights of Christmas.

Rough nights, as they are called in Klingon.

Wait for the Thirteenth Night on January, the 6th.

»What are you doing?« Kylie asks.

»Writing«, I say, »writing and posting.«

»Do you think, you know what you are writing and posting about?« Kylie asks.

I try to think about it - but I have to shake my head.

Kylie is standing behind me - reading the laptop screen over my shoulders.

»No fortune cookies anymore?« my old friend asks.

I shake my head.

»Flabbergasted is a strange word«, she says.

I nod my head.

»And the elevator is still broken, isn't it?«

Nodding, nodding all along.

Today is Tuesday, the 28th of December 2021.

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