Sunday, December 11, 2016

37 - Slipperella...

That black man is giving me the creeps, Nanuk hears aunt Nukka say.

I hope Aga, Amaguq and Tupilek find a way to stop him, uncle Oogrooq adds. I cannot believe he and his company really own this land now. This is our home. The grounds belong to our ancient spirits and ancestors.

Can he really make us tear down our huts, our whole village, aunt Nukka asks shakingly. She tries to drink from her mug of tea but has to put it back to the table.

Amaguq saw the papers, Oogrooq snorts. They say something about oil and ores underneath our grounds. And now that the permafrost retreats the big companies want to dig deep to get all that valuable stuff up to the daylight.

Nothing good ever came from the mainland, as the ancestors used to say, Nukka says squeezing her husband's hands.

Nanuk has heard enough to make him even more worried.

But on his way back to the guest's bed in his cousins' bedroom he gets distracted by a clattering clank from outside the cabin.

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