Monday, December 19, 2016

45 - Shovelcrusted...

Daylight is already fading. Or whatever they call the twilight these days. The longest night is near. The darkest time of the months long Polar Night. And Nanuk does not remember when he saw the sun for the last time.

Every step K'eyush takes to their unknown goal his fur becomes grey and greyer, dark and darker like somebody or something is sucking all the light out of it.

And right behind the next hill Nanuk sees the man in black's helicopter. What is his name again? What did he say it was? Darque, Joe Darque. That's what he said.

Without noticing Nanuk ran into the little polar bear. And the animal stands still and lets the boy touch his neck.

Where is he, Nanuk asks whispering. The bear turns his head a little and points with the tip of his nose towards another hill. There against the sky Nanuk can spot the slender almost spider-like silhouette of the man in black.

He is pointing with his long arms and creepy hands to the sky and chanting or singing words the boy does not understand.

We have to get a little nearer, he whispers into K'eyush's ears. And together they almost rob towards Joe Darque.

And suddenly the man in black turns around.

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