Tuesday, December 13, 2016

39 - Groundberry down...

Nanuk takes a step forward towards the hungry noises.

Didn't we teach you anything, Grandma White Feather upsets. Never go near a polar bear. They are dangerous. They are wild animals and predators. You have to call an adult at once. Where are your aunt and uncle?

But he is only a cub, Nanuk replies. He is only a youngling like me. He wouldn't harm me. I think I found my power animal at last. He's been calling me outside for months. He visits me in my dreams. I will name him K'eyush.

One of the metallic bins falls to the side and rolls onto the muddy path between the wooden huts. The little polar bear with his black button like eyes looks over his shoulder right into Nanuk's eyes. Then with a bumpy speeding run on his short legs he heads North to the wide and white snow fields.

That is wonderful, my boy, Grandma White Feather says, but now hurry back to your aunt's and uncle's cabin. You are freezing.

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