Thursday, December 15, 2016

41 - Crème-bouffant...

What are you doing here so early again, Nanuk hears uncle Oogrooq ask. You said you were giving us some time to check things.

I mean no harm, the man in black says with a big shark-like smile lifting his hands. I just wanted to make sure all of you understand my and my company's generous offer. We have built a whole new town on the mainland for you and your families with electricity and flowing water. All advantages of the modern life.

We understood your offer, uncle Oogrooq says.

We understood it very well, aunt Nukka adds stepping forward. You want to make us leave our homes and houses so that you can have them destroyed. But we have a lawyer in our family. And we won't give up easily just like that.

We ask you to leave now, uncle Oogrooq shouts in his deepest voice, and not to return until we got the chance to check everything.

Again, I mean no harm, the man in black replies. The sky above him and even the air around him seem to become darker all of a sudden. Take your time. But notice that all clocks are ticking. And one day I will return not only with good offers but also with an armada of bulldozers.

And he turns around heading towards the black helicopter that brought him here.

All the grownups have to stand up against the whirlwind the flying machine causes when it takes off and hold their hoods.

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