Monday, December 12, 2016

38 - Boomerangablanca...

What's that rattling sound?

Nanuk hasn't even noticed that Grandma White Feather is standing right next to him.

And what are you doing outside in the cold open at this time of night, little man?

Nanuk is standing next to the fish hut at the North end of the small village of wooden huts dressed with his sealskin anorak and his warmest boots above his pajamas.

Somebody or something is rattling the metallic trash bins with their round covers.

What is your power animal again, Grandma, the boy asks.

As I told you before, my spiritual companion, my own private power animal is a snow goose, Grandma White Feather replies. And there, in front of us, behind the fish hut rummaging through our garbage is a polar bear.

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