Friday, December 09, 2016

35 - Sleetspoot'n...

Oh, look, Aga, Popon says, look at all these snow animals our son built. What is this? A groundhog?

No, Popon, Nanuk replies, that's a snow dassie, you know. They are no groundhogs. They are relatives of elephants.

What a clever boy we have, Aga. Wonder where he got all these strange ideas from, wife, Popon says smiling brightly but glooming at the same time.

Oh, Amaguq, do you really think we've got time for that, Aga says softly. And Amaguq nods.

Momon takes Nanuk by his shoulders and kneels before him while she looks at him in all her seriousness.

Listen, Nanuk, Popon and I have to go on a journey to the mainland. We have to visit Tupilek in the big, big city to get his advice.

Cousin Tupilek is a wise man, as Nanuk knows. He lives in the big, big city and used to visit an assembly of stone houses his family called a university.

We need you to stay with your cousins and aunt Nukka and uncle Oogrooq until we return, Momon continues. We need you to be good and listen to what they say as long as we are gone.

Aunt Nukka, Momon's younger sister. Her power animal is a sea gull. Uncle Oogrooq who's power animal is a bearded seal always looks like one as well.

I have to stop thinking about these animals, Nanuk says to himself.

Can't I come with you, Nanuk asks trying to hide a little sneezing sob.

We won't take long, Popon says kneeling beside his wife hugging both of them with his wide arms. And we know you'll be a brave little boy until we return.

Later that day Nanuk sees them driving away with the motor sled to the harbour at the seaside.

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