Wednesday, December 07, 2016

33 - Zhivagodamarbletash...

He always made me laugh, Grandma White Feather says, when he told that story.

Why is Grandpa Green Sleeve called Green Sleeve, Nanuk asks.

Because he always asked the one question, Grandma White Feather says.

And although Nanuk also knows this story he cannot wait to hear it once more.

Grandpa Green Sleeve was born in Iceland, Grandma White Feather tells the story. And when he came to Greenland he was shocked and always asked the one question.

Why is Greenland called a green land, Grandma White Feather says and Nanuk mouths silently, while there is way more green in Iceland and way more ice on Greenland?

It should be the other way around, Grandpa used to say. But nobody was able to answer his question and so they named him Green Sleeve instead.

And although Grandpa Green Sleeve is long, long gone, as Nanuk now remembers, he still can make Grandma White Feather smile but always with a little teardrop in the corner of her eye and in her voice.

But look out, Grandma White Feather says now, your Momon and Popon are coming for you.

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