Tuesday, December 06, 2016

32 - Shimmerglisten...

Well, do you know the colour of a normal African zebra, Grandpa Green Sleeve continued.

Black and white, Nanuk asked. But some say black and white are no colours at all.

Not quite right, Grandpa Green Sleeve whispered. African zebras are black with white stripes.

And snow zebras, Nanuk asked excitedly regardless how often they had this conversation. And he always made Grandma White Feather hide her face by turning her back on them because she tried not to laugh out loud.

Snow zebras, Grandpa said with his most knowing and mysterious face and voice, are white with black stripes, of course. But they change their colour of fur in winter times to hide from the eyes of humans. Like an artic hare that puts on his white winter coat in the dark months the white stripes of a snow zebra turn from black to white. And that is the reason why you and almost everybody never saw a snow zebra out in the open, out there in the wilderness.

It blends in, Nanuk cried out happily. You will never see it in ice and snow.

And Grandma White Feather laughed and laughed, wiping her eyes with a big handkerchief.

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