Thursday, July 18, 2019

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 68

Today is Thursday, the 18th of July 2019.

Today is BLOGSDAY !!! 



It was ten years ago today I started this BlockBlog about nothing.

18th of July 2009. I was older then because I am aging backwards in time...

But that is another story to be told another time...

"Bromford Loves"

A malady has taken him over
Coughing tar in his Japanese motor
The lights are magic and he feels lucky
And he's got money, shoots like an arrow, oh

Bromford loves the mystery of a speeding car
Bromford loves the misery of a speeding heart

It's love you like and everyone's at it
And words are cheap when the mind is elastic
He loves the violence, keeps ticking over
So sleep together before today is sold forever

Bromford loves the way people just fall apart
Bromford loves the way you just don't stand a chance
Bromford loves the mystery of a speeding car

Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh

Bromford loves the mystery of a speeding car
Bromford loves the mystery of a speeding heart
Bromford loves the mystery
(Hey, hey) Bromford loves the way people just fall apart
Bromford loves the way we just don't stand a chance
Bromford loves a speeding heart


  1. Congrats! Wasn't I on tour in Berlin?
    Or was it LONDON?

    1. Berlin is wrong. The song is
      Blur - London Loves
      Statistics later, alligator. }]

    2. 96 songs about 54 different cities (and places):

      *** New York IIIIIIIIIII (including Manhattan III and Chelsea I) ***

      Los Angeles IIIIIIII (including Hollywood II)
      Berlin IIIIIII
      London IIIIII (including Londinium I and Chelsea I and Walthamstow I)
      Amsterdam IIIII
      San Francisco IIII
      Budapest II
      Bethlehem II
      New Orleans II
      Babylon II (Pompeii is in this part of the list so...)
      Memphis II
      Warsaw II
      Manchester I
      Galway I
      Malice I
      San José I
      Barcelona I
      Scarborough I
      Atlantic City I
      Houston I
      Pompeii I
      Rome I
      Chicago I
      Philadelphia I
      Waterloo I
      Paris I
      Pyongyang I
      Yarmouth I
      Santa Maria Da Feira I
      Berkeley I
      West Palm Beach I
      Hong Kong I
      Cologne I
      Monterey I
      Jerusalem I
      Starkville I
      Odessa I
      Tupelo I
      Leningrad I
      Miami I
      Fribourg I
      Baltimore I
      Montgomery I
      Detroit I
      Folsom I
      Perth I
      Sanibel I
      Harrisburg I
      Washington I

      Not even a (real) city or place:
      California II
      Albion I
      Gomorrah I
      Essex I
      Idaho I
