Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Back to business…

Brainiac is not on the way. Brainiac is already here.

Oh, come on, llama, I say. This has always been a Marvel house. Why are you talking about DC stuff now?

I am not talking about it, the llama says. I am searching the interweb for it. And I think this Adam Strange dude is Brainiac.

Stephen Strange, I say. Doctor Stephen Strange to be precise.

Wrong comic universe, smartass, the llama says. I always thought Brainiac was a gigantic flying brain travelling the universe to devore planets and whole galaxies.

With the Green Lantern corps to chase it, I ask.

Don't you mention the Green Lantern corps, the llama says. It is to painfull. It still hurts. In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape...

By the way, I ask, where is Kylie?

The answer, my friend, the llama says, is Gone With The Wind.

Today is Wednesday, the 31st of July 2019.

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