Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Sacra, Memento!

Today is Tuesday, the 9th of July 2019.

Kylie is calling from California.

The llama sings,

♫ If you're going to Springfield, California
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to Springfield, California
You're gonna meet some gentle people there… ♫

Where are you two, I ask.

We are in Springfiel, California, the llama shouts, here by the shore and seaside. Home of the Yellow Gate Bridge.

Sounds more like the end of the Yellow Brick Road to me, I say.

Ah, shut up, you Bromford, the llama says. This is the summer of Nineteen. This is the Summer of Love and Peace. We will not tolerate your negativity, bro. Flower Power to the people! Flowerpornoes for everyone!

There is in fact a Springfield in California, Kylie says. We saw the town sign on our way North.

And how is your carreer going, I ask Kylie. Any concerts lately?

Sorry, she answers. We were too busy to search for a great name for our folky rock, pop, punk, heavy metal, grunge, shouting duo.

Lame, the llama shouts. She suggested 'Kylie & Llama' or 'Kylie & KussKuss'. Hear my mighty yawn.

Any other suggestion from you, animal, I ask.

'The Mamas and the Llamas', the llama sings.

Really, Kylie asks.

Really, I ask.

Ah, go away, folks, the llama says. The Golden Brown… State, whatever. Who cares?

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