Saturday, February 08, 2020

Longer Trays …


What is going on? Who is there?

There are people with voices talking lowly in the hallway of my penthouse on the roof of the apartment building on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the lovely town by the shore and seaside.

I stumble out of bed. With fuzzy hair and still in my pyjamas I open my bedroom door.

'What the…', I begin but Nigel, Kylie's son, is shushing me.

'Listen to the music!'

Nigel is there together with his mother, my dear old friend Kylie. And there is Doctor Kate Hudson, my psych and shrink. They toast to me drinking champagne from chrystal glasses whispering conversations, drinking and laughing silently. And there are Mario, our janitor, and Luigi, our concierge???

'This is an elevator-music-easy-listening-party!' a shrill voice comes from down the elevator shaft.

'My heart will go on', Nigel sighs.

And really, from down the shaft comes a soft piano version of that song.

'Near, far, wherever you are', the llama blares.

Wait a minute! Mario and Luigi are here???

I am staring at them. Brothers? They look like brothers maybe even twin brothers.

'There is no such thing as twin janitors or concierges in 666 Whitaker Lane', the llama shouts out loud.


One of the not existing black-haired brothers has just opened another bottle of champagne.

'Come on, Bromford Bibble. Have a drink. Let's party like there's no tomorrow.'

'Today is tomorrow', I say. 'And it's too early in the morning for alcohol. What are you celebrating, anyway?'

'The elevator is still broken', Mario says.

'And Celine Dion is playing a hell of a piano down here, if you want my opinion', the llama yells from the elevator shaft.

'Out!' I shout. 'All of you. Leave my penthouse! Leave me alone! And take those bottles of cheap champagne with you!'

'They are from your storage, Bibble', Nigel says.

'Yes, dude', the llama shouts. 'I gave you a six-pack with five bottles for your last birthday. Get out of here but leave the champagne!'

Six-pack with five bottles?

The party is over. Kylie gives a slight wave before closing the door.

And now imaginary Celine Dion starts to play 'Smells like teen spirit' on the imaginary piano down the elevator shat.

Kurt smells like 'Teen Spirit'.

And the fortune cookies says,

What are you waiting for?

Today is Saturday, the 7th of February 2020.

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