Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Longer Tales …

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let your hair down!'

That is the llama from down the elevator shaft.

But I am still not sure about the right use of the word 'shaft'. But sometimes a shaft is just a shaft and English not as hard as it seems. But this is not the sentence I wanted to write down. Easier, that is the word in my mind. Simpler. A lot simpler than you think.

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let your hair down!' the llama cries again.

'Silly animal', I shout back. 'No reason to make fun of my haircut. My hair is not as long as it used to be since I went to the hairdresser last Saturday.'

Sometimes English is not that hard at all. That was the sentence that was on my mind. But not really. Complicated. That is the word I was looking for. Or that I am looking for. Sometimes English is not that complicated at all. And an elevator shaft is just an elevator shaft.

'Stop it!'

Who said that?

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let your hair down!' the animal cries for the third time.

'My hair is not that long, animal!' I shout back. 'But I can lend you a rope - and not a robe as I first wrote homophonically - if you want to climb out of that shaft at last.'

'Bah, Humbug!' the animal says. 'Little red writing hood and the seven wolves. And, man, those wolves have longer tails. You should see those tails!'

'What is wrong with you?'

I try to look over the edge of the open elevator doors.

'Everything is allright. Want a redballoon, pal - and not pale as I wrote mistakenally?'


'We all float down here!'

The animal sounds even crazier than its craziest self.

'Come floating, too, Danny. You'll float, too. You'll float soon. Too soon. Down here everything is full of Nargles. Man, you should see those sails.'

I pick up the phone to call Mario or Luigi, our concierge or janitor to tell him that there must be some kind of gas down there in the elevator shaft making the llama more than mad.

And the fortune cookie says,

Tasks become solvable 
if they are broken down into individual steps.

Today is Tuesday, the 4th of February 2020.

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