Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Longer Aisles …

The llama is calling from down the elevator shaft.

"Yes?" I answer the phone.

"Where are you, Bromford Bibble?" the animal asks.

"I told you half an hour ago", I say. "I am at the grocery store doing our weekly grocery shopping."

"At the grossy store? Dude, why didn't you go to the supermarket? We have got enough gross stuff at home."

"Out of my way, young fellow!"

"What is going on there, Bromford?" the llama asks. "Who was that?"

I drive my shopping cart closer to the nearest shopping rack.

"Just an old lady on her way to the oatsmeals. You should see how she is looking at me. Seems like she doesn't like me making this phone call."

"You bet, young fellow! And now, move on, you are blocking my canned plums!"

That old hag's hair is blue. I cannot name another colour. And she touches me slightly with her shopping cart.

"Bananas!" She shouts loudly. The old lady stands on her toes trying to look over the shopping racks. "Henry! We need bananas!"

The llama on the phone is neighing with laughter.

"Bromford, we need bananas, too!"

Around the corner of the next aisle comes a man as old as the old woman with a walker. And he is shouting, too.

"I have got them bananas, Marjory, right here!"

But he is waving a bundle of salad cucumbers above his head.

The green bananas of Eastern Europe, I think for no specific reason.

And the old lady is grumbling, "This town is not what it used to be. And don't you dare to take the place in the queue at the checkout before me, young fellow."

I let her go first just shaking my head.

"Speaking of oatsmeal", I hear the llama on the phone, "look for some with fish or lobster flavour, dude!"

"Lobster flavoured oatsmeal? Don't be silly, animal!"

"Everyhing is possible these day, dude. If you believed they put a man on the moon. Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship. And do not forget the toy surprise in the cornflake box."

Oh, how I hate shopping in the grocery store.

And the fortune cookie says,

If you're not behind this, 
rethink the decision.

Today is Tuesday, the 18th of February 2020.

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