Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Longer Wednesdays …

Did I ever tell you all that I do not like Wednesdays? They are not as bad as Thursdays because the whole world will end on a Thursday as the bards once sang but still I do not like Wednesdays.

I am lying on the leather couch in the living room of my penthouse, listing to some kind of music, turning pages of some kind of magazine without really reading. Did I mention that I do not like Wednesdays?

My telephone is ringing, the landline, not the smartphone.


"Did I ever tell you, that I do not like Wednesdays, too?"

"Llama is that you?"

"Who else could it be, Bromford?"

"But how are you calling me? I found your mobile on the couchtable the other day. And you are still down that elevator shaft, as far as I can see:"

"I am so tired, Bromford Bibble. I am tired and bored. And I am hungry. I am starving, Bromford Bibble."

"You are exaggerating and using my name too often, animal. Do you want more tangerines? Or some cabbage? Broccoli or maybe some spinach?"

"I want something to eat, no more fruits or vegetables; Bromford Bibble!"

"OK, than come out of that elevator shaft, animal. Leave that cabin."

"It is summer and we are running out of ice", the llama says and hangs up.

And the fortune cookie says,

Separate yourself from a burden.

Today is Wednesday, the 12th of February 2020.

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