Saturday, February 29, 2020

Longer Winters …

The rivers and creeks are swelling and overflowing, not from melting snow but from deluging rain storms.

Orcans are derooting and destroying woods and forests. And Mother Earth is sending new viruses.

It feels like our homeplanet is shacking its' back to get rid of the meanest parasite it ever had, humankind - us.

I have got the feeling I have written all this before. And I have have got the feeling I am not having these feelings of defenselessness and panic because of the overall situation at all.

Winter is coming? No, winter is gone forever. Or maybe this is seasons end because climate changed in a way that will bring us years-long summers.

There is no immortality but in the water. Unless the water escapes through the vanishing atmosphere into outer space and no-one will be living on this Mars-like planet in a few hundred years any longer. Mars 2.0. And terra-forming will always be a science-fiction trope.

Is this what they call a dystopy?

'It's your own private dystopy, dude!'

That is the llama from down the elevator shaft.

'Stop bruding, dude! And read today's fortune cookie.'

Eating, I think, I will be eating that cookie. I stopped asking myself why the animal is able to read or even sense what I am typing just now. Is it a fabulou hacker? Is it a technological genius? Or is it just in my head, a fraction of my tortured imagination?

Friendship, I think, is that one ship that does not sink. It is sad, I think, but not true.

And the fortune cookie says,

Do you still have the right target?

Today is Saturday, the 29th of February 2020.

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