Monday, December 17, 2018

The Donno … Part 17

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» About this very time, the respectable farmer, also known as the fieldsman, whose surname was McMillan, and who resided in the neighbourhood of Musselburgh now, happened to be in Edinburgh about some business. «

» Now we are getting somewhere, « the llama said, » at least I hope. «

And again it gained a hissing sound from Kylie to be silenced.

» In the evening he called upon a friend who lived near Holyrood House; and being seized with an indisposition, they persuaded him to tarry with them all night. About the middle of the night he grew exceedingly ill, and, not being able to find any rest or ease in his bed, imagined he would be better of a walk. «

» He should start looking for some meal seal or hen's wife to get married. That seems to be the cure for everything in this tale of a folk. « llama remarked sarcastically.

» Llama! « the young lady hissed. » Wait and see! «

» He put on his clothes, and, that he might not disturb the family, slipped quietly out the back door, and walked in St. Anthony's garden behind the house. The moon shone so bright, that it was almost as light as noonday, and he had scarcely taken a single turn, when he saw a tall man enter from the other side, buttoned in a drab-coloured greatcoat. It so happened at that time fieldsman McMillan stood in the shadow of the wall, and perceiving that the stranger did not observe him, a thought struck him that it would not be amiss to keep himself concealed, that he might see what the man was going to be about. «

The llama sighed, » … and the author of this tale did not know where to make a proper section or end a paragraph. «

» The man walked backwards and forwards for some time in apparent impatience,… «

The llama whispered, » 'Apparent impatience' - hear, hear! «

» … looking at his watch every minute, until at length another man came in by the same way, buttoned likewise in a greatcoat, and having a bonnet on his head. «

» A what? « the llama mouthed. But Kylie shook her head.

» He was remarkably stout made, but considerably lower in stature than the other. They exchanged only a single word; then turning both about, they threw off their coats, drew their wands, and began a most desperate and well-contested combat. «

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