Monday, December 10, 2018

The Donno … Part 10

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» At last, they came to a fork where three roads met. The wicked Queen showed Bromford Curly-locks first a narrow track into the hills beset with thorns and briars; this was the path of righteousness, taken by few travellers on life's journey. The second road was broad and flat and grassy: it led through a pretty meadow, and was the busy path to wickedness. Bromford Curley-locks had heard about these paths from the priest at the little church of Ercildoune. But the wicked Queen and Bromford Curley-locks took the third road, the winding fernie brae leading to fair Elfland, and they duly reached their destination in the deep woods as the shadows lengthened and mirk night was falling. «

» Wickedness, my ass! « remarked the llama.

» Lllama! « The young lady exclaimed in disapproval.

» What? « asked the llama. » One of my best friends is an ass, Donkey, the grey ass of Glastonbury. «

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