Friday, December 07, 2018

The Donno … Part 7

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» I said that they were all afraid of them, but that was not true, for the farmer's new wife was so good and gentle that she was not afraid of anything on the Gods' earth, and when the Roanes' supper had to be left outside, she always added a good spoonful of cream to it, for, said she, 'They work so hard for us, and ask no wages, they well deserve the very best meal that we can give them.' «

» Hey! « The llama was not amused. » I was expecting a tale about two hairy siblings and their bad stepmother and now she is all good and gentle? What kind of story is this? «

» And I wonder, « the young lady said dreamily, » Could meal also be an old word for flour? «

» Brownies, « the old man said suddenly. » I would like some Brownies. «

And so the llama stepped outside the motel room to the vending machine to get some brownies by kicking and rattling the machine and not by paying for them, of course.

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