Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Donno … Part 18

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» WOW! « the llama was on edge with excitement. » A wizarding duel with magic wands and everything! Didn't I say we were getting somewhere? «

» Sorry, « the strange old man said not looking sorry at all. » Did I say, they drew their wands? I wanted to say, they drew their swords. There are no magic wands in the duelling world. «

» But…, « the llama began.

» Damned it, « Kylie said. » surely there should be magic wands in fairy tales. «

» Watch your mouth, young lady, or we will have to wash it, « the bearded weirdo said and continued.

» The henwife placed the bowl in McMillan's hands. He drank sparingly, and passed it to Kylie Golden-tresses. She lifted it to her lips, and as she tasted it - only tasted it - looked at him. He thought the drink must have been drugged and have affected his brain. Her hair smoothed itself back, and drew her forehead backwards with it; while the lower part of her face projected towards the bowl, revealing, ere she sipped, her dazzling teeth in strange prominence. But the same moment the vision vanished; Kylie Golden-tresses returned the vessel to her stepmother and, rising, hurried out of the cottage. «

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