Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Donno … Part 22

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» This is no ending to a tale, « the llama roared in fury. » This feels just like another beginning. Your stupid story is lacking everything. It is lacking a plot, it is lacking a main character and it is lacking any fantastic beasts or animal protagonists. «

Kylie had to hold the llama back or else it had jumped on the old man for some very violent things.

» I see, I see, « the old man was getting nervous. » This is the real ending of the tale. I promise. It will all make sense, if you just listen to it:

And Kylie Golden-tresses, being the littlest, ran the fastest, and when she came out at the door of the cottage on the Isle of Skye the enchanted and bewitched Bromford Curly-locks flung a bundle of clothes down at her feet.

And the fieldsman came out next, and the enchanted and bewitched Bromford Curley-locks flung a bag of silver down at his feet.

But the wicked stepmother, henswife and dame, being somewhat stout, came out last, and the enchanted and bewitched Bromford Curley-locks threw a millstone right down on her head and killed her.

Then he spread his wings and flew away, and has never been seen again; but he made his father and his sister rich for life, and he had rid them of the cruel stepmother, so that they lived in peace and plenty for the remainder of their days. «

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