Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Donno … Part 12

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» Bromford Curly-locks had to run to catch up the son of the great King and the wicked Queen named Thomas, who was plodding along with the dogs, now returned from their engagement.

'That's a queer chap - the old fieldsman, I mean,' he said.

'I ain't seen no fieldsman, Maaster Bromford Curly-locks,' said Thomas, the son of the great King and the wicked Queen. 'What be 'ee talkin' about?'

'The fellow back there. I bought this stick of him.' «

Neither lady nor llama wanted to think about this next sudden twist in the story-tale.

» But now for something completely different…, « the llama said looking at the young lady.

» Did I ever ask you, who you are and why we two are travelling through the United States of America for the last few months? «

The young lady looked puzzled.

» I am Kylie, but you know that, animal. «

» Oh, blimey! « the llama said. » I always loved Kylie Minogue. And, mother, she is a real MILF! «

» A WHAAAT? « the young lady squeaked.

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