Friday, December 21, 2018

The Donno … Part 21

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» Mister, « Kylie went on, » see, it is getting late and we are getting tired. As a matter of fact we have to get up early in the morning to catch the train to the west coast to be home in time for Christmas. «

» Do we? « the llama asked dumbly in surprise.

Kylie opened her eyes widely and shook her head while grinding her teeth.

» Sure, I see, « the old man replied. » Well, let me come to an end of this tale then. Only a few more words and images.

Once the fieldsman was travelling home, at the time when the passage wasn't as easy as it is today. In those days travellers used to come by the Isle of Skye, crossing the sea of Dunvegan to Lochmaddy. The fieldsman had been away working at the harvest on the mainland. He was walking through Skye on his way home, and at nightfall he came to a house, and thought he would stay there till morning, as he had a long way to go. He went in, and I'm sure he was made welcome by the man of the house, who asked him if he had any tales or stories. The fieldsman replied that he had never known any. «

» Neither have you, « the llama shouted angrily at the strange old man.

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