Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Longer Walkings …

People are strange when you're a stranger.
People look ugly when you're alone.


Yes, llama?

I am worried, Bromford.

Worried about what, llama?

I am worried about becoming unimportant, Bromford.

Why that, llama?

We are losing importance when the supporting cast's stories are getting more and more interesting than our own stories and adventures, Bromford. Do you think we could be candidate for a re-casting?

Hmm, Bromford Bibble, the dude who's called like the friendly town by the bay and seaside thinks, who are this protagonist and his antagonist?

And the fortune cookie says,

You have a great talent for baking cookies - use it wisely!

Today is Tuesday, the 13th of July 2021.


» I think he lost it, « the antagonist says.

» I think he's never had it, « the protagonist answers. » Another cup of beer, dear? «

» Cheers! «

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