Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Longer Surprises …

'Who is Rhonda, Bromford Bibble?' the llama asks. 'And where is my surprise? I want my pleasant surprise, dude.'

'If you ask for too much at once, you will come home with an empty bag, animal', I say.

'You are a very strange person, Brimford Bobble. You are indeed.'

And the fortune cookie says,

Hard work pays off in the long run.
Laziness pays off immediately.

Today is Tuesday, the 6th of July 2021.


'BAR-BE-CUE', the antagonist shouts out.

'What?' the protagonist says.

'I like barbecue', the antagonist repeats. 'You want some meat?'

'I don't like grilled meat or bratwurst.'

'You are such a spoilsport, nist. It's summer. Let's have some outdoor charcoal fire dinner-lunch or whatever. Dripping fat. Hissing embers. Hot-dogs. Onions. Barbecue-sauce. Short trousers. Naked legs. Muscle shirts. Beers. Or was it bears?'

'Run', the protagonist shouts out the loudest he can. 'There's a bear in your backyard, antagonist!'

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