Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Longer Betters …

'The Republic of Poland has got the most beautiful girls and women on farms in the whole wide world', the llama reads a sign on something somewhere in Warsaw, the capitol city of Poland, officially known as the Republic of Poland.

'Hey, they had a prime minister called Donald Duck in the beginning of the 21th century', Nigel adds.

'Really?' Kylie says. 'This is what is happening on our travel to Poland? I kind of hoped and wished for something more than that.'

'What do you think this is, Kylie?' I am so not amused. 'Some kind of world tour like your trip through the United States of America with the llama two years ago? We are still in the midth of a pandemic with intermediate floods and you are waiting for travels and parties and adventures?'

'I was calling from Connecticut', Kylie says.

And indeed she was.

And the fortune cookie says,

A conclusion is simply the point
where you get tired of thinking.

Today is Tuesday, the 20th of July 2021.


Tired, that's the point, the protagonist thinks.

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