Monday, July 26, 2021

Longer Calories …

»Welcome to my life tattoo…« the llama sings.

»The Who?« Nigel asks.

»No«, the llama says, »I don't need a Doctor right now«

»Doctor Who?«

»Where have you two been last night?« Kylie asks her son and the animal.

»This town is full of subterranean bars and pubs with music and stuff,« the llama answers. »And we - my pal Nigel and I - payed a visit to each and every one of them.«

»My head aches.« Nigel is rubbing his forehead. »There sure was an elk in that hole.«

»What city is this?« I ask. I have to admit, I am kind of getting confused these days. Are we on a city trip? Are we not? When is a town a city? What is an unincorporated community and census-designated place?

»Memphis!« Kylie gives me a slap on the arm.

»My arm hurts.« Nigel is rubbing his upper arm.

Confusion all over again. Memphis, Tennessee, or Memphis in Egypt? And what is this about arms?

»And no, Nigel, buddy,« the llama says. »This is not the song of The Who. This is a song to our matching tattoos!«

»Tattoos?« Kylie is looking at me. I am looking at Kylie.

»Show me your upper arm,« she asks her son. Nigel is rolling up his right t-shirt sleeve.

»Where is your tattoo?« I ask the llama.

»Come on, dude,« the llama says. »You should have seen that dirty cellar and that creepy guy with his filthy needles. I didn't get a tattoo. Last night was all about Nigel here. It was his big night out.«

I wonder why I cannot read the expression on Kylie's face looking at Nigel's upper arm. It looks kind of red and swollen with crooked blurred black letters on it.

»What does it say?« I try to read the tattoo. »Hard to tell from this angle.«


That grin on the animal's face couldn't be brighter.

»The ink keeps on blurring,« I say with a frown.

Kylie is giggling. She is pinching Nigel's cheeks.

»Oh, I love my little baby-boy,« she says. »I can see what you did there.«

»Now I can see it, too!« I am laughing out loud. »The tattoo does not say,


It says,


Nigel is sighing, »I will have it removed first thing after we've returned to Bromford.«

And the fortune cookie says,

A hair stuck in your mouth
is much worse
when you are bald.

Today is Monday, the 26th of July 2021.


Who is bald?, the protagonist thinks. Noone is bald. Balding, at best, but not bald like in bald-headed.

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