Monday, July 19, 2021

Longer Anythings …

So suddenly …

We are walking in Warsaw.

"My shoes are killing me. Let's find a nice place to sit down for a while."

"Stop complaining, Nigel", Kylie tells her son. "Nobody told you to wear those new sneakers. You should have brought your old hiking shoes."

"Look, Mommy, they have a llama", a little boy shouts out from the other side of the street.

"Yes, they have. And I am loaded and ready to shoot", the llama shouts back. "Got a problem with that, kid?"

The mother on the other side of the street takes her nosy son by the hand and walks by quickly.

What are we doing here in Warsaw, the capitol of Poland? I don't know anything about this town and country and I have never been here before.

"Can we go and Polish something now?" the llama asks.

And Kylie whispers, "Do you think you can handle this, Bromford?"

And the fortune cookie says,

Cookies make the world a better place.

Today is Monday, the 19th of July 2021.


"The gang out on a big adventure?" the antagonist asks.

"We are like Statler and Waldorf", the protagonist says to himself.

And to the antagonist he adds, "Don't count on it. He will lose interest in and ideas for this story arc sooner or later. Sooner, if you want my opinion."

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