Monday, July 12, 2021

Longer Coulds …

» This is a great post for Monday. «

» What Monday? «

» This Monday, I think. «

» Make it a short post. «

» OK. Done. «

And the fortune cookie says,

If you look back,
you will soon be walking in that direction.

Today is Monday, the 12th of July 2021.


» Did you hear that? « the protagonist asks.

» Sounds like breaking glas. « The antagonist is looking nervously around.

» Do you think that is an intruder? « Anxious is the way the protagonist looks right now.

» Robbery, assault and battery
The felon and his felony
Robbery, assault and battery
The felon and his felony?
Like in that old song from the second book of the bible - Exodus? «
The antagonist squeaks.

» I don't know what you are talking about, ant. «

» Run for your life, prot. «

And the protagonist thinks,
is this really burglary and housebreaking? And where are we, anyway?

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