Thursday, June 03, 2021

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 159

Today is Thursday, the 3rd of June 2021.

No messages. Only savety warnings.
Wasn't Cheetah the name of some kind of television chimpanzee?

Isn't is strange that a great ape with large ears, mainly black coloration, and lighter skin on the face, native to the forests of western and central Africa was named after a large spotted cat found in Africa and parts of Asia. Chimpanzees show advanced behavior such as the making and using of tools. It is the fastest animal on land. Try to bring the facts in order.

Speaking of order. City quiz on a Thursday to make things even, because of the numbers. Making Wednesday the new quiz day starting next week. Plans, I have got big plans ... Or planes?

"Bromford, Lift Up Your Weary Head! (Rebuild! Restore! Reconsider!)"

Once a great place. Now a prison
All I can say. All I can do
People Mover: Bad Decision
From suburban. Now a prison
All I can say. All I can do

From the trembling walls. It's a great idea!
Everything you want. It's a great idea!

Once a great place. Now a prison
All I can say. All I can do

Henry Ford. Henry Ford
Public Trans. Public Trans
Pontiac. Pontiac
Feed the poor. Feed the poor
City Hall. City Hall
Windsor Park. Windsor Park
Saginaw. Saginaw
After dark. After dark
Tigers game. Tigers game
Eighty-four. Eighty-four
Industry. Industry
Unemployed. Unemployed
Gun control. Gun control
Wolverine. Wolverine
Iroquois. Iroquois
Industry. Industry
Public Trans. Public Trans
Auto Cars. Auto Cars
Jefferson. Jefferson
Michigan. Michigan

From the trembling walls. It's a great idea!
Everything you want. It's a great idea!
From the Renaissance. It's a great idea!
Everything you want. It's a great idea!
Throw them all away. It's a great idea!
From the Renaissance. It's a great idea!
Everything you want
(Hesitate to burn the buildings)


  1. It's June. Not May. But who will see the edit?
    Humidity is killing my keyboard again ...

  2. That's perfectly right... 😀😀😀

    And it's him again... Not for the last time... I think...

    Sufjan Stevens - Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head! (Rebuild! Restore! Reconsider!)

  3. 237 songs about 120 different cities (and places).

    Detroit climbs 12 rangs to place 15

    *** New York IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (including Manhattan IIIII and Brooklyn III and Chelsea I and Harlem I) ***

    Los Angeles IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (including Hollywood IIIIII)
    Hamburg IIIIIIIIIIIIIII (including St. Pauli III and Wilhelmsburg I and Altona I and Jenfeld I and Bahrenfeld I and Ohlsdorf I and Niendorf I)
    London IIIIIIIII (including Chelsea II and Londinium I and Walthamstow I)
    Berlin IIIIIIII
    Amsterdam IIIIIII
    Bethlehem IIIII
    San Francisco IIII
    Memphis IIII
    Jerusalem IIII
    Babylon/Babel IIII (Pompeii is in this part of the list so...)
    New Orleans III
    Philadelphia III
    Manchester III
    Detroit III
    Budapest II
    Warsaw II
    Rome II
    Hong Kong II
    Tijuana II
    Paris II
    Houston II
    Acapulco II
    Montréal II
    Seattle II
    Galway II
    Washington II
    Malice I
    San José I
    Barcelona I
    Scarborough I
    Atlantic City I
    Pompeii I
    Chicago I
    Waterloo I
    Pyongyang I
    Yarmouth I
    Santa Maria Da Feira I
    Berkeley I
    West Palm Beach I
    Cologne I
    Monterey I
    Starkville I
    Odessa I
    Tupelo I
    Leningrad I
    Miami I
    Fribourg I
    Baltimore I
    Montgomery I
    Folsom I
    Perth I
    Sanibel I
    Harrisburg I
    Gloucester I
    Calgary I
    Blackfield I
    Omaha I
    Gainesville I
    Santiago I
    Saint Malo I
    Chernobyl I
    Grevenbroich I
    Brownsville I
    Mason City I
    Benton I
    San Jacinto I
    Cairo I
    Grafton I
    Istanbul I
    Belfast I
    Nazareth I
    Aurora I
    Moscow I
    Durango I
    Donkey Town I
    Key West I
    Laredo I
    Durban I
    Bangkok I
    Bowenville I
    Woodstock I
    Shanghai I
    Kalispell I
    El Dorado I
    Gaza I
    Las Vegas I
    Oxford I
    Orléans I
    Kilronan I
    Santa Fe I
    Leicester I
    Saskatoon I
    Singapore I
    Poughkeepsie I
    Twin Falls I
    Greenwich I
    Ottawa I
    Damascus I
    Red Lake I
    Sapokanikan I
    Tokyo I
    Guernica I
    Port I
    Sheffield I
    Skara Brae I
    Grantchester I
    Bingen I
    Columbia I
    Venice I
    Baghdad I
    Marquette I

    Not even really a (real) city or place:
    Jersey III
    California II
    Gomorrah II
    Albion I
    Essex I
    Idaho I
    Atlantis I
    Camelot I

