Monday, June 21, 2021

Longer Temptations …

It's raining again.

These are the new summer storms in Bromfordia being one of the United States of Brom with Bromford being the capitol.

'It's not raining, dude', the llama says. 'In fact, it's quite calm after the storm. But I think the heat is driving you nuts. Bromford, the capitol of Bromfordia in the United States of Brom? Seriously, dude?'

'Aright, animal', I say. 'It was just a thought that came to my head. It is not raining…'


'… at the moment. It might rain in a few minutes or in a few hours. And I am perfectly alright with the heat. It is summer, animal.'

The animal sighs. 'You had better ideas for your blockblog in the past, I think, dude. Just my humble opinion.'

'Don't blame me', I say. 'Somebody stole my scrapbook full of brilliant ideas.'

'Sounds more like a crapbook to me, humbly opinionly.'

And the fortune cookie says,

Do what you like.
The rest will then take care of itself.

Today is Monday, the 21th of June 2021.


The protagonist is reading a scrapbook.
'Bromford is lying. Nobody stole his scrapbook', he thinks.
'And there are no good ideas in here, either. I am in it, so what do you expect?'

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