Monday, June 28, 2021

Longer Thes …

Buttercookies and Humblebees.


Summer is here to stay for the season.

Still like the word aardvark. And the animal I like, too.

Does anybody know the Blue Elise?

Aardvark and the Ant. Aardvark and the Ant-Man. A new MARVEL movie?

Come on. Doesn't anybody know the female friend of Pink Pauly Panther?

But maybe Pink Panther's first name isn't Pauly, either?

"In the Klingon dub, the Aardvark is a female anteater named Elise (Eliza) voiced by Marianne Wischmann while Charlie (voiced by Fred Maire) remains male. The cartoons are known under the title Die blaue Elise (The Blue Eliza)."

In the end the greatest snowball isn't a snowball at all. It is fear.

Did I use that quote before?

Butterflies and Bumble Bees. Humble bumble bees. Somebody must have made that rhyme before. Of that I am sure.

But why the heck aren't aardvark and anteater the same animal? And why aren't they blue?

And the fortune cookie says,

Great journeys start with a single step.

Today is Monday, the 28th of June 2021.


🦆 And the protagonist thinks, Duck and cover. 🦆

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