Saturday, June 19, 2021

Longer Abouts …

Are the Danes the happiest people in the world?

The Great Danes, dude?

Those are dogs as far as I know, animal. And only called Danes because the British did not want to call them Great Germans for certain archenemy reasons.

Please do not discriminate, dude. Aren't dogs also people? Do they not bleed when you cut them? As well as every walking and talking animals?

Animals are people now? I don't know. Is this where I wanted to go with my question?

So many questions, dude. What was the first one?

Are the Danes the happiest people in the world? And no I do not mean the dogs. I mean humans from Danmark in Northern Europe.

Do you even call them Danes in general? Maybe we should call them Danmarkians, dude.

First of all we should forget I even asked at all.

They can't be, dude.

Be what, animal?

Be the happiest people in the world, dude. They can't be cause booze is so fricking expensive in Danland.


We should stop right here, right now…

And the fortune cookie says,

Bromford can withstand anything
but temptation.

Today is Saturday, the 19th of June 2021.


The protagonist thinks,
'Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not after you.'

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