Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Longer Calories …


My life is brilliant.
My life is poor.
Like my father's life before.

Daddy issues again, dude?

Have you ever met Mr. Bibble, animal?

Maybe, dude, maybe.

Maybe, animal, maybe.

My life is maybe.

Maybe that's the way be.

Rhyming before with poor, dude?

This is all due to my procrastination thing.

Now, you are inventing words again, dude. This does not make sense.

This does not result in sense, we say in Klingon.

Sense surrenders in this case, dude.

Rough times to come, animal. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Like a rapid gun fires I will post these posts from now on. Almost daily.

But where is the sense in that, dude?

It is just because it is, animal.

And who thinks of the children?

Quote Helen Lovejoy, R.I.P., "Think of the children!!!"

And the fortune cookie says,

Today is tomorrow
that you were worried about yesterday.

Today is Tuesday, the 15th of June 2021.


Maybe, the protagonist thinks, it is time for me to move on.

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