Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Something about Cornhuskers …

Today is Tuesday, the 14th of May 2019.

Kylie is calling from Nebraska. The llama is reading a newspaper.

The capital of Nebraska is Lincoln, the llama says.

Abraham Licoln was the sixteenth president of the United States, Kylie says. And Lincoln is some kind of automobile. Who cares?

Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff died on Monday, the llama says.97 years is a good age to go, if you want my opinion.

Was she born in Nebraska, Kylie asks.

No, she was born in Cincinnatti, Ohio, the llama says.

So she died in Nebraska, Kylie asks.

No, she died in Carmel Valley Village, California, the llama says.

Was she related to David Hasselhoff, Kylie asks.

No, her birthname was Kappelhoff, not Hasselhoff, the llama says.

So, why are we talking about her, Kylie asks.

I do not know, the llama says. Maybe it is because I am glad her first name was not May Mary Ann.

Why, Kylie asks.

Because then, the llama says, her stage and screen name might have been May Day instead and not Doris Day.

Que sera, sera, Kylie says and shrugs her shoulders.

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