Saturday, May 25, 2019

Either a Pickled Herring or Hard Liquor …

>>> Today is Saturday, the 25th of May 2019.

Kylie is calling from North Dakota.

We went to a rock concert yesterdas, the llama and I, Kylie says.

My feet hurt, the llama moans.

And my back, Kylie says.

Headliner was the band Snow Patrol, the llama says. They played from ten till midnight.

That is not true, Kylie says.

They did not play from ten till midnight, I ask.

No, they were not the headliners, the llama says, but I needed a connection to say the following thing. There is always snow in Fargo. Snow and blood.

But that is not true, Kylie says. It is springtime in North Dakota now. And I am pretty sure they also have summer and autumn here.

I am not, the llama says. I have seen a movie and three season of a tv show and there was always winter in Fargo and lots of dead bodys.

Kylie sighs. I am feeling a little bit bored.

Did you know that Otto von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of the German Empire, founded the capital city of North Dakota, Kylie says.

The capital is called Fargo, the llama asks.

I am shaking my head.

No, Kylie says, it is called Bismarck.

I do not think that it was founded by Otto von, I say.

Exactly, the llama says, I think it is named after the famous German snack, Bismarck Herring, because most of the fish for that snack is beening caught in North Dakota's Lake Sakakawea and Lake Audubon.

This sounds all so wrong, I say.

Exactly, Kylie says, in fact it is named after the strong German schnapps, Bismarck, because all people of North Dakota are alcoholics.

Oh, my Lord, I say. I need a shot.


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