Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Do Jayhawkers like Sunflowers?

Today is Wednesday, the 8th of May 2019.

Kylie is calling from Kansas.

Toto, I've a feeling we are not in Kansas anymore, Kylie says.

I am not Toto, the llama says. I am KussKus. And we definatley are in Kansas.

I know, Kylie says.

The capital of Kansas is Kansas City, the llama says.

No, it is Topeka, Kylie says. And there is a Kansas City in Missouri, did you know?

So Kansas City is the largest city of Kansas, the llama asks.

No, that is Wichita, Kylie says.

Conchita, the llama asks.

Whatever, Kylie sings.

But there is a song called Kansas City in the musical Oklahoma!

The llama sings…

I could swear that she was padded from her shoulder to her heel.
But later in the second act, when she began to peel,
She proved that everything she had was absolutely real!

I could swear that she was padded from her shoulder to her heel.
But then she started dancing and her dancing made me feel
That every single thing she had was absolutely real!

Everything's up to date in Kansas City
They gone about as fer as they can go
They went an' built a skyscraper seven stories high
About as high as a buildin' orta grow.

It takes a crane to build a crane. It takes two floors to make a story, Kylie says. Did you know the tallest buildings there in 1906 - the era when the musical Oklahoma! is set - were the 12-story New York Life Insurance Building and the newly built 17-story Commerce Trust Tower. A major seven-story building at the time was The Jones Store at 12th and Main which took up an entire block and was 500,000 square feet.

What's a story, the llama asks. And what is a jayhawk? Some kind of bird?

Ad astra per aspera, Kylie says. And tell me why America uses so may Latin mottos when most of the Americans do not speak and learn Latin at all…?

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