Friday, May 03, 2019

Labor omnia vincit …

Today is Friday, the 3rd of May 2019.

Kylie is calling from Oklahoma. Back on track, she says. What a drag, she says.

What a drag it is getting old, the llama says.

The Beatles, Kylie says.

The Rolling Stones, Bromford says.

You obnoxious know-it-all, you, Kylie says.

Ob… what, Bromford asks.

When I think of Oklahoma, the llama says, I think of covered wagons on track and settlers and Indians and musical numbers. And I think that the forefather's of Oklahoma were not that inventive when it came to name their capital city. Oklahoma City. Come on? Really?

Cherokee, Kylie says.

The jeep, Bromford aks.

Not that smart aleck anymore after this stupid remark, Kylie says.

Where is your butler who used to answer Kylie's calls, the llama asks. Where is the story arc of your blockblog, Bromford Bibble?

Life in general has no story arc, Kylie explains. It has its ups and downs and lows and highs but it does not follow any script. Whenever you think you have learned the rules of life it gives you lemons to squeeze and to make lemonade.

I don't like squeezies, the llama says. They scare me. What does the headline of this post mean?

That is so meta, Kylie says. Asking questions when all of us already know the answers. It means Work conquers all.

Look who is the know-it-all now, Bromford says and hangs up.

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