Thursday, June 28, 2012


^ Department of Health?

- I beg your pardon, Mrs. Hudson? And where is the llama anyway?

^ Did you mean D.O.H. like the short form for Department of Health?

- No! I meant D'oh! like in Homer Simpson did something stupid or got hurt!

^ Oh, I see. So you did something stupid or got hurt, Doctor Bibble?

- No! I just mistook the date. Mixed up the days. It's Thursday not Friday. The big match is today not tomorrow. And I thought it was on Wednesday. But I was really, very wrong.

^ Oh, I see. So you are having a big match today, Doctor Bibble?

- No! I am talking about the European Soccer Championship. But we are in Europe so let's call it European Football Championship. Or short EURO 2012. I am talking about the big fight between Germany and Italy tonight.

^ Never knew you were such an aficionado of football, such a supporter of the round ball, Doctor Bibble. Maybe you wanted to say Duh!?

- D'oh!

^ Take my advice, Doctor Bibble. Take your medicine. And please, use that walking cane.

Und von einem Lama keine Spur…

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