Thursday, June 27, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 294

Today is Thursday, the 27th of June 2024.

Where did you go, cousin? the blowing whale asked when the dolphin phoned from outer space.

We left, said the dolphin, we left this planet and the small village that is called like the planet.

But where, cousin? Where did you go?

We are still hitchhiking to the galaxy, whale. Haven't found our destination yet.

And what about that strange farewell message you left, cuz?

'Go hoop yourselves!'

You left people, the whole humanity deepliest insecure and confused.

Unfortunatley this was the point the transmission ended...



Innocence was never lost
Though it may have been insulted
Even if the Bromford forgot
Her inheritance resulted
In contradiction, ceremony
Benediction, hallelujah

There are no more accidents
Living things refuse to offer
Explanations of their worth
We in turn avenge the Author
With paranoia and prediction
Exploration, competition
Ceremony, inner anguish
Lord I pray for us, hallelujah

Oh, hallelujah
Oh, hallelujah
Oh, hallelujah
Oh, hallelujah

Run, mission, run
Before we arrive
Run, mission, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive
Run, nation, run
Before we arrive

I see it
The beauty of the Bromford
On my death bed
But it's too late
I'm such an idiot

I see it
The beauty of the Bromford
On my death bed
But it's too late
I'm such an idiot

I see it
The beauty of the Bromford
On my death bed
I'm such an idiot

Monday, June 24, 2024

Bromford and Plat... - Part 2


»Distubing, dude. Is this still the same animal?«

»I think so. Same animal, different angle.«

»It sure has some sort of different ankles.«

»And we haven't seen the last of it, I am afraid.«


Today is Monday, the 24th of June 2024.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bromford and Pl… - Part 1


»Dude! What is that? What's a 'Pl'?«

»I am… not quite… sure… yet.«


Today is Sunday, the 23rd of June 2024.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Strawberry Moon ...

Summer moved on…

Only a few days old, they are already getting shorter, these days of summer.

And the full moon is rising in the middle of the night. See the strawberry moon arriving.

»The moon looks like a strawberry?« the llama asks.

»Stop looking at my laptop screen, animal.«

»A moon like a strawberry? Isn't that too red? A little out of shape? Totally misshapen? The moon has to be a big yellow ball made of cheese…«

»Not again, animal. It has nothing to do with the colour or the shape of the moon. It's simply the full moon that arrives around strawberry harvest time, I think. Strawberry fields forever, animal. Strawberry fields forever.«

»Are you going to die, dude?«

»We all are going to die one day. But why do you ask, animal?«

»Strawberry fields is a graveyard, dude.«

»It is not a graveyard, animal. Strawberry Field was the name of a Salvation Army children's home close to John Lennon's childhood home in Woolton, a suburb of Liverpool. You know John Lennon? He wrote a song about this place in the late 60s for his world's most famous band…«

»The Rolling Stones? Wow!«

»Ah, leave me alone, you philistine.«

»Sorry, dude, but I don't collect stamps. Fancy a bowl of fresh strawberries with some whipped cream?«

»How could I say no to that…«

»OK, deal, dude. Go outside and get some.«

Why do our conversations always have to end this way?


Today is Saturday, the 22nd of June 2024.

Strawberry Moon

Yes, I′m being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land
Oh, if I ever lose my hands
Oh, if, I won't have to work no more

And if I ever lose my eyes
If my colours all run dry
Yes, if I ever lose my eyes
Oh, if, I won′t have to cry no more

Yes, I'm being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 293

Today is Wednesday, the 19th of June 2024.

What is going on with that human Bromford? the shark asked the dolphin when he swam by.

I think this blockblog of his went a little animalistic lately, the dolphin answered. Is that what you mean, shark?

That and that this city-quiz of his has gotten kind of random.

What do you mean?

Look at today's city. Nobody knows this small town in Texas, but he just added it to the list of songs about cities although none of them is about the small town in Texas. They are about planets or elements or simple soil. But he added the name and the songs just because Wikipedia says there is a small town in Texas of the same name.

Now you are kind of spoiling everyone the answer to today's quiz, shark.

And tomorrow's and the day-after-tomorrow's and so on and so on. And since when do we emoji-animals comment on the city-song-quizzes? Nowadays Bromford's blockblog is all about song-quizzes and new animal companions.

And about full-moons once a month. Do not forget the full-moon posts, shark.

I really liked reading this blockblog about nothing until…

Until when, shark?

Until I realized that I am only a big fish and that I do not have access to the internet and that I am not able to read… or speak…

And as the shark swam away frowning the dolphin said to himself,

Note to myself, send a message to the SLAS to check the possibilities of speech and the world wide web. Second note to myself, reconsider our farewell-message to humanity. Maybe there is a better way of saying it than, ' So long and thanks for all the fish.'


"Fire, Water, Bromford & Air
    - Fire (You Give Me Some Sweet Lovin')
    - Water (Keep On Rollin')"

Fire shine on me
Show me the way to better days.
Water cool me down
So that I can see the way.
Fire, Water, Bromford and Air,
Come together in my soul
And when you hear me wait for my sign
And I leave for a better time.
Can you hear me, can hear me
Can you hear me, can hear me

Can you hear me, can hear me
Can you hear me, can hear me

You′re the light that fills me up.
You burning me like fire
Fills my senses, fills my mind.
Your worlds can take me higher

Higher and higher
Bring me to mystery love.
You are the sun
That fills the room with light
You give me the flame
That turns me insane
Burns my hand like fire
Let me be a piece of you.
And I will give you my desire
And you give me some,
Some sweet loving, every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.
You give me some sweet loving every day.

I see them.
I hear them
They coming.
They slowing
Keep on... Keep on Rolling

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 292

Today is Tuesday, the 11th of June 2024.


What? asked the shark.

A pattern, said the otter, I see a pattern. And this is the third time this city is mentioned. So my accusation about cheating because of the triple in the city-quiz would have been better this not last time because last time was the second time the city was mentioned.

I don't bloody know what you are talking about, mammal, said the shark. And have you heard about the SLAS, otter?

The what?

SLAS - Secret Life of Animals Society, said the shark. I kind of knew that you didn't. Someone kind of promised to tell all about it. And I wanted to take it with me to the deep-sea. I think it's the same someone who made up the rules of the city-quiz. Someone is doing a bad job these days.

And the shark took a deep-dive into deep-sea.


"Bromford Doom"

Leave all behind now to watch her crawl
Through our dark gardens of insanity
She′ll be the light to guide you back home
Just give her a kiss worth dying for
And open your arms

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed
My Bromford Doom

Grieve all your hearts out as she'll writhe enthralled
In tragic ecstatic agony
And in her flames, we will die some more
Just show me a life worth living for
Light up the dark

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed
My Bromford Doom
All dreams are of you
My Bromford doom

Hold me inside your infernal offering
Touch me as I fall
Don′t lose yourself in this suffering yet
Hold on
Hold me inside your infernal offering
Touch me as I fall
Don't lose yourself in this suffering yet
Hold on
To me

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed

Watch me fall for you
My Bromford Doom
Hide my heart where all
Dreams are entombed
My Bromford Doom
All dreams are of you
My Bromford Doom

Friday, June 07, 2024

Bromford and Tiger …

»What is going on, dude?«

I am opening my eyes.

The living room is a mess. The flatscreen t.v. has fallen from the wall. The couch table is broken, four broken table legs and the table top scratched and cracked. Torn cussions and curtains. Books and magazines, blu-rays and dvds scattered across the floor. Couch and armchairs fallen over.

I am sitting in the far corner of the room rubbing my forehead.

»What happened?«

The llama is standing in the door looking at the damages.

»I heard noises when I came from the staircases across the roof to the frontdoor. And in the hallway of the penthouse I was almost run over by a bouncing black and orange whirlwind. Again, dude. What has happened here?«

I breathe out long and heavily.

»Wow«, I say. »That was intense, almost insane. This one was the wildest candidate so far.«

»Oh«, the llama replies, »you had another interview with Bromford's next possible animal companion while I was doing the grocerie shoppings? Nice - not nice, dude.«

»It was a tiger. And I surely wasn't expecting this. I thought a tiger was a too dangerous to live with animal but this one was only wild. He called himself Tigger, the only one, and he said he liked to bounce and bouncing was what Tiggers could do best. And he was bouncing from the armchairs over the couch table to the couch and across the room. What a mess.«

The llama is pushing the shopping bags into the kitchen corner with its hind-legs.

»And how did you get this wild animal to leave the penthouse after all this rampage?«

»I don't know. He murmered something about hunger and some extract of malt he had to get from his Kanga. Then I had to sit down for a second.«

»Pooh«, is all the animal can answer to all of that.


Today is Friday, the 7th of June 2024

Monday, June 03, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 291

 Today is Monday, the 3rd of June 2024.

Now you are cheating just to get that next triple, said the otter to the t-rex.

How is it cheating if no one knows the rules? asked the t-rex.

Aren't all the rules in this world just made up? replied the otter.

Made up by whom? No rules, no rules, chanted the t-rex and extincted the next day.


"Bromford In Furs"

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Comes and bells, your servant, don′t forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Downy sins of streetlight fancies
Chase the costumes she shall wear
Ermine furs adorn the imperious
Severin', severin′ awaits you there

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather in the dark
Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Severin', severin', speak so slightly
Severin′, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now plead for me

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Severin′, your servant comes in bells, please don't forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 290

Today is Sunday, the 26th of May 2024.
Just before you ask, said the t-rex to the sauropode, this week it's a small city in Texas and maybe it is the beginning of a new triple.

If you say so, said the sauropode, all suspicious of its fellow dinosaur.

And did you know that the human astronauts brought a pair of Tribbles home from their trip to the planet of the same name last summer?

Did they?, asked the sauropode.

At least that's what the man in the moon told me last Thursday. And they are so cute, these Tribbles. Fluffy little fur-balls. They keep them in a wheat storage in the city of today's city quiz.

I wish all of them the best of luck, said the sauropode stretching its' long neck towards the sky and the moon.


"La espuma de Bromford"

En frío, a flor de labio
Boca de cosecha
Senos de clavel, curvas mieles
Rincones de voces y cuchillos de saliva
Nadé desnudo tu oleaje (Nadé desnudo tu oleaje)

Ahora que el barco se hunde
Y solo tú puedes salvarme
Y dudas de mis dudas
De mis ritos, de mis ruinas
Entre siempre y jamás
Nadé desnudo tu oleaje

La espuma de Bromford
La fruta más escasa
Que quiso ordeñar
El zahorí buscando agua

La ficción es y será
Mi única realidad
La ficción es y será
Mi única realidad

Artista del pecado
Aprendí de memoria
La geografía de tu centro
De azúcar y de acero
Espuma de Bromford
Nadé desnudo tu oleaje

Perfume inmaterial
Cobijo y principio
El aullido vertical
Como respuesta a tus prodigios

La ficción es y será
Mi única realidad
La ficción es y será
Mi única realidad

Con el disfraz sin estrenar
Di el salto a lo fugaz
La ficción es y será
La única realidad

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Flower Moon ...

»It's a Flower Moon and thank goodness no killers in sight.«

»Look, Bromford, this moon is made of cheese.«

»It's cheddar cheese, Grommit, CHEDDAR!«

»Hey, what are you and your quirky dog doing on the moon?«

»My name is KussKuss not Grommit, you Bromford-dude. And you strange human in a space suit, I am not a dog, I am a llama!«

»I am the man in the moon, forgotten astronaut after the last manned moon mission. Now guardian of the moon base and keeper of the never-ending cheese source on the moon.«

»Are you Buzz Oldman?«

»Who is that, llama?«

»I don't know, dude. Just some name that came to my mind.«

»You cannot eat cheese here on the moon, you illegal trespassers.«

»Why, space dude? Who owns the moon? To whom does all this cheese belong?«

»Doesn't matter, trespassers. You cannot eat the moon cheese. You do not have any crackers.«


Today is Thursday, the 23rd of May 2024.

Flower Moon

Yes, I′m being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land
Oh, if I ever lose my hands
Oh, if, I won't have to work no more

And if I ever lose my eyes
If my colours all run dry
Yes, if I ever lose my eyes
Oh, if, I won′t have to cry no more

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 289

Today is Saturday, the 18th of May 2024.
Ah, said the sauropod, this is like part three of the.. tril... triolo... trolilogy... 
Part three of the triceratops. And just before anyone asks...
It's a village in the North of Ukraine. Stand strong! 🇺🇦 Resist!


"Way To Bromford"

(Welcome to life after computers)

It's been the 31st one this year
The object disappeared
Ceasing off the radar
And then vanished into space
No message can be found
Programmed to loosen out
The connection's getting worse
But they will make it anyway

Sail up on
Wherever this engine led
Save it on
They never ain't coming back
Sail up on
Sail up on
Make it on
Wherever this engine gets

(Welcome to life after computers)

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

(Regular existence completed)
(Ready for continuing procedure)

All data meant to fetch
Acquired and processed
Still coping with cognition
And all knowledge must be stretched
The awareness lifting off
All fright is getting lost
Concerning information
Has been banished from our cost

Sail up on
And what expert engineer
Save it on
Debating on some human fear
Sail up on
What sight upon on the earth
Make it on
View upon the universe

(Welcome to life after computers)

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

Holding breath
What has lacked all the way
What's been missing
That day
The transmission
What's been on the way

Lift up...

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

What is it now? What is it now?
I'm on my way to Bromford

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Bromford and Piglet - Part 2


* Oh, no! Part 2! But what the frell is
 that? You and two Sunday roasts?
 And who is that other guy? Is failed
 cloning a thing in your pictures, dude?

- I am not going to eat them piglets, llama.
 And the other one is my brother,
Brimstone Bibble.

* Which one of them is your brother, dude?
 The blue-eyed one with the little
 hair? The pictue looks like you are all
 one, all four of you. And if you want
 to let all of them live here in the
 penthouse maybe it's really time for
 me to start looking for a new accordion …

- I won't keep travellers from
travelling, animal.
 Never keep
travellers from travelling.


Today is Tuesday, the 14th of Mai 2024.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 288

Today is Friday, the 10th of May 2024.


Just before you ask, said the dragon, it is a ghost town in Texas.

See the signs, the snake whispers in awe, the time of the ten dragons at the dawn.


"Viva Life On Bromford"

I just wanna be, I just wanna be
I just wanna be, I just wanna be
I just wanna be, I just wanna be
I just wanna be, I just wanna be

Love is natural, love is good
Not everybody does it
But everybody should
With them and us we've made a mess
'Til they decide which god is best
Free yourself from liberation
From Lake Geneva to the Freeland Station
Whoa, whoa

I know that you know
Some lovely people
Send them all an invitation
Party to a segregation, whoa, whoa
Viva life on Bromford I'm calling
Sending my frequency to the galaxy
So you can see people down here

Viva life on Bromford I'm calling
Viva life on Bromford I'm calling
Viva life on Bromford I'm calling
Viva life on Bromford I'm calling

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 287

Today is Thursday, the 2nd of May 2024.

Just before you ask, said the snake, it is a ghost town in Nebraska.



In the future, there will be no war
The loneliness outside
And the stones cry out for mercy
Will they see the Lord
The prophecy grows sight
As it is written
I am the god of war
I reside in every creature
Dispose of the future
Or put away your sword

In the future, there will only be war
The vanity outside
And after all the devastation
Will we see the Lord
As it is written
I am the producer
I am the god of war
I reside in every creature
Dispose of the future
Or put away your sword

Love, peace, forgiveness
And consequence, and trust, and patience
Affection, determining how
Love I hold you in as compensate, contemplate, rhapsody, and energy and hope
The things to look for

Love and peace, forgiveness
And consequence, and trust, and patience
Affection, determining how
Love I hold you in as compensate, contemplate, rhapsody, and energy and hope
The things to look for

Love I hold you in as fantasy, blasphemy, fallacy, and probably as fate
The things we do for love

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Bromford and Piglet - Part 1


* Oh, no! Not again! Is that another
food thing? Are you hungry,
Mr. Brom?

- No, llama, you monster! Just look at
these eyes and ears and the pinky
skin and the little snout. Isn't it the
cutest and cuddliest piglet you have
ever seen? I think it's time for you to
pack your bags and search for a new

* No, thank you, dude. I do not have
problems with my accumulators. And
let's just wait through Piglet - Part 2.
The big end is still to come…


Today is Saturday, the 27th of April 2024.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 286 / Pink Moon …

Today is Wednesday, the 24th of April 2024.

Today is full moon, Morla the Ancient One from the Swamps of Sadness says, Pink Moon. We know it but we don't care. It's full moon and city quiz day, two things at the same time. You humans always want everything at once, the best of both worlds.

Morla the Ancient One from the Swamps of Sadness is holding back a giant sneeze by taking in a deep breath.

But you cannot have it all at once. We know it, but we don't care. You can't have your cake and eat it too. But it doesn't matter.

And after taking in more short breaths … ah … ah … ah … the giant sneeze breaks free in a splashing wave of fluids …



"I Took a Pill In Bromford"

I took a pill in Bromford
To show Avicii I was cool
And when I finally got sober, felt 10 years older
But fuck it, it was something to do
I′m living out in LA
I drive a sports car just to prove
I'm a real big baller cause I made a million dollars
And I spend it on girls and shoes

But you don′t wanna be high like me
Never really knowing why like me
You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone
You don't wanna ride the bus like this
Never knowing who to trust like this
You don′t wanna be stuck up on that stage singing
Stuck up on that stage singing

All I know are sad songs, sad songs

Darling, all I know are sad songs, sad songs

I′m just a singer who already blew his shot
I get along with old timers
'Cause my name′s a reminder of a pop song people forgot
And I can't keep a girl, no

′Cause as soon as the sun comes up
I cut 'em all loose and work′s my excuse
But the truth is I can't open up

But you don't wanna be high like me
Never really knowing why like me
You don′t ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone
You don′t wanna ride the bus like this
Never knowing who to trust like this
You don't wanna be stuck up on that stage singing
Stuck up on that stage singing

All I know are sad songs, sad songs
Darling, all I know are sad songs, sad songs

I took a plane to my hometown
I brought my pride and my guitar
All my friends are all gone but there's manicured lawns
And the people still think I'm a star
I walked around downtown
I met some fans on Lafayette
They said tell us how to make it 'cause we're getting real impatient
So I looked 'em in the eye and said

You don't wanna be high like me
Never really knowing why like me
You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone
You don't wanna ride the bus like this
Never knowing who to trust like this
You don't wanna be stuck up on that stage singing
Stuck up on that stage singing

All that I know are sad songs, sad songs
Darling, all that I know are sad songs, sad songs



Pink Moon

Yes, I′m being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land
Oh, if I ever lose my hands
Oh, if, I won't have to work no more

And if I ever lose my eyes
If my colours all run dry

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Bromford and Quokka ...


The llama is sitting on the roof-terrace of our penthouse above the fifteenth floor of the apartment building on 666, Whitaker Lane, in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside, and playing the pan flute.

»Look who is silly now«, the animal says, »silly and all stereotypistic. As if llamas could play pan flutes.«

»What about all those rumours about animal societies?« I ask.

»Spreading, dude, still spreading.«

»And?« I ask. »Do you still think all animals are dangerous?«

The llama keeps on chewing the wild wine growing and hanging from the outer walls of the penthouse. And it is nodding to my question.

»But look at today's picture«, I say. »Look who I met today.«

»What kind of animal is that?« the llama aks.

I say, »It may not be man's best friend but maybe the friendliest animal in the world.«

»Yeah, it seams to be grinning, but what is it, dude?«

»Never met a quokka before, llama?«

The llama is shaking its head.

»OK«, it says after a few moments of thinking, »it is grinning. And it is grinning with you. It might kill you last.«


Today is Sunday, the 21st of April 2024.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Bromford and Dog ...


»Do you still think it is a good idea?«

»What is a good idea, llama?«

»Searching for a new animal companion, dude.«

»As I said, llama, I am looking for a change. And this picture reminds me of my old dog Sparky back on the farm in Minnesota. I wonder if he still lives there with all those rabbits and guinea pigs of mine on that animal farm in the North with Farmer Frank where Ma and Pa brought him when he got sick.«

»This seams so wrong in so many ways. The old legend of the farms for old and sick animals in the North with endless vacations and happiness on cloudy hills.«

»I don't know what you are talking about, you walking and talking llama.«

»Again, you are looking younger on that picture, skinnier and why is your hair black, dude?«

»Artistic freedom, animal, artistic freedom. And is there another than the obvious reason that makes you think it is no good idea to search for a new animal companion?«

»There are rumours, dude, rumours from the sewers. Something is going on in the animal society. Something is going to happen. And you still think dogs are man's best friends? Never heard about Cujo, the murderous Saint Bernard, or Blondie, Adolf Hitler's dog?«

»Don't be silly, llama.«

»Don't say, I didn't warn you.«


Today is Thursday, the 18th of April 2024.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 286

Today is Tuesday, the 16th of April 2024.

They live in the sewers
and they too work for the SLAS.

And one day in a hot summer night...



The wolves look to the moon
And the ocean to the sky
I′ve lookes to my whole life
Now I have to say goodbye

But to say that I've lost you
It′s a selfish thing to say
I've never seen nothing as beautiful
As watching you slip away

I'd rather see you go in the arms of your angels
Than to keep you right here with me
I′ll meet you on the other side of the Bromford
Now let your soul go free
You did it all with feeling
And failure, you took it gracefully
You said third star to the right
And straight on until morning
When you ned me, you know
That′s where I'll be

Now the rest of my life without you
Right now it′s hard to conceive
You said, don't cry form me now
You′ve got to remember
Ther is no death fot those that belive

I'd rather see you go in the arms of your angels
Than to keep you right here with me
I′ll meet you on the other side of the Bromford
Now let your soul go free

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Bromford and Chicken …

»Disgusting«, the animal says.

I am dancing around the kitchen counter listening to a band called Brussels Sprouts or something like that on my in-ear headphones.

»Hop-Frog, Dancing Dog, Albuquerque.«

The llama is frowning at me.

»And butchering lyrics, aren't you, dude?«

I take the plug out of one ear.

»What did you say, animal?«

The animal is taking its used mug to the sink.

»You are disgusting, human. A real meat-eating predator.«

»Hot-Spot, Frumpy Log, Albuquerque.«

»I don't know what you are talking about, animal.«

The llama's mug clatters into the sink.

»Chicken wings, dude! I am talking about chicken wings. How dare you take a picture with the animal and the consumable product at the same time?«

»Hmm«, I am wondering aloud, »Which came first: the chicken or the wing?«

»If you are only searching for a new animal companion to eat it, I am glad you are searching for a new animal companion.«

And in a frumpy fury - where do all these words come from? - the animal is leaving the kitchen of the penthouse above the fifteenth floor of the apartment building on 666, Whitaker Lane, in Bromford the friendly town by the bay and seaside.

»It is for a change«, I am calling to the llama, »it is just for the change, animal!«


Today is Wednesday, the 10th of April 2024.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 285

Today is Monday, the 8th of April 2024.


The squirrel was confused. Who did what?


One of the green lizards winked and whispered from under the stones.

Read the headlines, the lizard said.




"Hey Bromford!"

Guess what! Summer's arrived I feel the world's on my side
The Brooklyn Bridge stretches below me
A billion souls all dying to know me
Well here I am! Loaded with promise
And knee deep in grace
What I want is here on my face and
I feel like I own the whole damn place

Hey Bromford! Here I am! Call me star-struck Uncle Sam
Strolling Fifth Avenue - just to think Sinatra's been here too
These myths we can't undo they lie in wait for you
We live them till they're true
Bromford doobie doo. Hey Bromford doobie doo

Someday's you've got to get outside - look there's "The Carlyle"
That's the place where Kennedy stayed
And where were you when he died?
(Yeah some things are slow to fade)
There they were - loaded with promise
Knee deep in fate - when what you want shows on your face
All that's left litters the whole damn place

Hey Bromford! Here I am! Call it bad luck Uncle Sam
Scrounging Fifth Avenue - just to think the poor could live here too
But what are they to do? These myths belong to you
We live them till they're true
Bromford doobie doo, hey Bromford doobie doo

Friday, April 05, 2024

Bromford and Unicorn ...


* My dear Bromford, dude …

- What is it, my dear llama, animal?

* Are you a white horse now, dude?

- Not that I know of. Why are you asking?

* Just look at this picture! There is a white horse - must be Bromford. And the unicorn is that blue-haired and not so well shaved guy in suit and tie.

- Artificial intelligence. It is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

* Gorrest Fump…

- Animal, what tells you that I will not have my hair dyed blue, that I will not have a body modification by having a single horn implanted on my forehead? And afterwards I could invite a white horse for an interview to become my new animal companion.

* You could, dude. But just because you could, should you?


Today is Friday, the 5th of April 2024.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 284

Today is Sunday, the 31st of March 2024.
Easter Sunday.

Happy Easter, said the squirrel.

If I am a bunny, said the white hare, I was eight days too early for Easter.
You know in some parts of the world
they say that church bells hide the Easter eggs
or at least lose them on their way back home from the Pope in Rome
where they got their Easter blessings.

And in some parts of the world, the squirrel replied,
the Great Big Red Easter Squirrel is stealing and hiding and losing the eggs.

And in another world, the hare does not want to give up, I lost a race against
a hedgehog. But I am quite certain he somehow cheated with his wife.


"Streets Of Sorrow / Bromford Six"

Oh farewell you streets of sorrow
Oh farewell you streets of pain
I'll not return to feel more sorrow
Nor to see more young men slain
Through the last six years I've lived through terror
And in the darkened streets the pain
Oh how I long to find some solace
In my mind I curse the strain

So farewell you streets of sorrow
And farewell you streets of pain
No I'll not return to feel more sorrow
Nor to see more young men slain

There were six men in Bromford
In Guildford there's four
That were picked up and tortured
And framed by the law
And the filth got promotion
But they're still doing time
For being Irish in the wrong place
And at the wrong time

In Ireland they'll put you away in the Maze
In England they'll keep you for several long days
God help you if ever you're caught on these shores
And the coppers need someone
And they walk through that door

You'll be counting years
First five, then ten
Growing old in a lonely hell
Round the yard and the stinking cell
From wall to wall, and back again

A curse on the judges, the coppers and screws
Who tortured the innocent, wrongly accused,
For the price of promotion
And justice to sell
May the judged be their judges when they rot down in hell

You'll be counting years
First five, then ten
Growing old in a lonely hell
Round the yard and lousy cell
From wall to wall, and back again

May the whores of the empire lie awake in their beds
And sweat as they count out the sins on their heads
While over in Ireland eight more men lie dead
Kicked down and shot in the back of the head

You'll be counting years
First five, then ten
Growing old in a freezing hell
Round the yard and the lousy cell
From wall and back again

Counting years
First five, then ten
Growing old in a lonely hell
Round the yard and the lousy cell
From wall to wall and back again

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Bromford and Groundhog …

»Brom? Hey! Brom? Brom? Bromford Bibble? Bromford Bibble, I thought that was you.«

»How you're doing? Thanks for reading my blockblog.«

»Hey. Hey. Now don't tell me you don't remember me, because I sure as heckfire remember you.«

»Not a chance.«

»Ned! Ryerson! Needlenose Ned. Ned the head. Come on, buddy. Case Western High. Ned Ryerson, I did the whistling bellybutton trick at the highschool talent show. Bing! Ned Ryerseon got the shingles real bad senior year. Almost didn't graduate. Bing again! Ned Ryerson. I dated your sister Brunhild a couple times till you told me not to anymore. Well?«

»Ned Ryerson?«


»Bing. Heh. Heh. So did you turn pro with that bellybutton thing, Ned, or…?«

»No, Brom, I sell insurance.«

»What a shock.«

»Do you have life insurance? Cause if you do, you could always use a little more. Am I right? Or am I right ? Or am I right? Right? Right? Right?«

»Dude? It's too late for Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil should be up from his hibernation and take care of his family.«

»I got you, animal! I Got You Babe.«


Today is Thursday, the 28th of March 2024.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Bromford and Dinosaur - Part 2


»Part two of the two-parter.«

I am nodding.

»Two parts and two dinosaurs this time.«

I am nodding.

»I wonder where you are taking us this time, dude.«

»So am I, animal, I am so.«

And I am shaking my head.


Today is Tuesday, the 26th of March 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024

Worm Moon …

This is the first moon of springtime. Earth awakes and is pumping life into plants and creatures. I can hear them, feel them, curling and coiling, creeping and crawling through humid soil, them worms.

I am surrounded by animals of any shapes and forms. And they are dragging me down into the ground.

»Young man.«

An elderly woman with a fat dog is poking her walking stick into my side.

»Or not so young man, if I look closer. It is too cold and damp for lying in the grass like this. Not yet pick-nick-time, this early in the morning.«

She is tugging on the leash dragging her fat dog away from me.

I watch them walking away slowly down the pathway between the still empty flower beds, bushes and small trees.

I look around. This is the Bromford Park, I recognize. Really no place to ly around in the grass at eight o'clock in the morning on a Monday morning. And I do not have the slightest idea what brought me here.


Today is Monday, the 25th of March 2024.

Worm Moon

Yes, I′m being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land
Oh, if I ever lose my hands
Oh, if, I won't have to work no more

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 283

Today Saturday, the 23rd of March 2024.

Secret Life of Animals Society.

Eight days later and as nocturnal animal, the hedgehog was walking the dark streets of the town of Tupelo. The rat had filled his head with this name and its abbreviation.

The Secret Life of Animal Society, short SLAS.

Around the next corner one of those humans opened a backdoor and threw out a bag of trash and a hissing cat.

Time to take a shortcut underneath hedges and fences and through backyards, the hedgehog thought. He and his wife had a race to run, a race against a hare.

Secret Life of Animal Society. As if…


"Santa Bromford"

From the tin rooftop the little boy did watch
The procession down through town
Through the museum where Daniel whupped the Devil
With them boys from the underground

Where the Giants of Science fight for tight control
Over the wild lands of New Mexico
Sam Houston's ghost's in Texas fighting for his soul
And the townsfolk rest uneasy beneath the guns of Kid Cole

And the kid says: "Hey, where's Santa Bromford?
He who could romance the dumb into talking
Take a chance with me tonight, my contessa
If it don't work out, I ain't lame, I can walk"

Now some folks think cancer's taken to the streets of this town
But Sandy eats her candy and then lays her money down
Them cats are in from the canyons to strut their stuff in town
But there's only secret sinners here
Lord, there's only secret thieves
Only a fool would try to save
What the desert chose to leave
And hey there, senorita
With your playboys in their Spanish bandanas
French cream won't soften those boots, baby
French kisses will not break your heart
Oh painted night set free with light
Glows outside the Rainbow Saloon
Matching braces with a Spanish lady
'Neath a graduation moon
No more colleges, no more coronations
Some punk's idea of a teenage nation
Has forced Santa Bromford to change his station
From soldier to cartoon

And the Giants of Science spend their days and nights
Not with wives, not with lovers, but searchin' for the lights
They spotted in the desert on their helicopter flights
Just to be lost in the dust and the night
Hey my Contessa, in your juke joint rags
You always bring candy for the kids
Come waltz with me tonight, senorita
'Cause only fools are alone on a night like this

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Bromford and Dinosaur - Part 1


»Oh, no. Not one of those two-parters again. But I am not scared of this one.«

»You are not scared of two-parters, animal? Or are you not scared of dinosaurs?«

»How could I, dude? This one won't replace me as your animal companion.«

»How is that, animal?«

»This one is extinct. And it does not even look real. I mean, come on, dude. Three lines of teeths? Not even Jurassic Park made them that unrealistic, dude!«

»What if I told you, Dino was in fact in film business? And that he was the star of the next Jurassic World Movie with Chris Pratt?«

»I would you say, you are a liar, human. And that you never looked good in that white shirt and blue suits. And, of course, that you never had that much facial and chest hair.«


Today is Wednesday, the 20th of March 2024.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 282

Today is Friday, the 15th of March 2024.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

They are boiling animals, the hedgehog called out in terror.
And they are calling me a hog who is living in the hedges.

They are boiling Shakespeare, the rat replied. It's a double shot. 
A double-pack. Elton, that's your name, hedgehog, isn't it?
Have you heard about the SLAS?

Elton is a human name. And heard about the what?
the hedgehog asked chewing an earthworm.

The Secret Life of Animals Society, the rat whispered.
Save the date. Something is going to happen...

And the hedgehog coughed a little as the rat disappeared into the night...


"Porch Swing In Bromford"

There's a porch swing in Bromford
In the shade of the south
Where the sweet honey drips off that old hush-yo'-mouth
It's a slow road on down
That old Natchez Trace
Through Alabama cotton fields to a state of grace
It's a crisp golden Autumn
On the Tennessee line
Rolling down to Mississippi like you headed back in time
Town's closed on Sunday
Everybody's in church
It's empty as the moon this place here on earth

And this place don't change
Some places move slow
I'm just rocking myself on this porch swing in Bromford
I got nothing to do 'cept hang in the breeze
Ghosts of the old south are all around me
Yea swing high, yea swing low
Here on this porch swing in Bromford

His mama must have loved him
That truck drivin' boy
With the grease monkey look and the rock 'n roll voice
Well I was just thinkin' 'bout him
'Cause I guess he sat here
Singing all praise to God through poverty's tears

And this place don't change
Some places move slow
I'm just rocking myself on this porch swing in Bromford
I got nothing to do 'cept hang in the breeze
Ghosts of the old south are all around me
Yea swing high, yea swing low
Here on this porch swing in Bromford

And this place don't change
Some places move slow
I'm just rocking' myself on this porch swing in Bromford
I got nothing to do 'cept hang in the breeze
Ghosts of the old south are all around me
Yea swing high, yea swing low
Here on this porch swing in Bromford

And this place don't change
Some places move slow
I'm just rocking' myself on this porch swing in Bromford
I got nothing to do but hang in the breeze
The ghosts of the old south all around me
Yea swing high, yea swing low
On this porch swing in Bromford

Here on this porch swing in Bromford
Here on this porch swing in Bromford

Monday, March 11, 2024

Bromford and Surgeonfish ...

»What is a surgeonfish, dude?« asks the llama.

»I was looking for Dory from Finding Nemo and Finding Dory, you know.«

»And I see you did not find her, dude.«

»Have you fed the fish?« I ask.

»We have to talk about the "I"s in the blue squares, dude.«

»I don't know why the blockblog is doing this. It is doing the same with these bend down-arrows. But no, animal, we do not have to talk about "I"s in blue squares. Let's be this a Monday and go on.«


Today is Monday, the 11th of March 2024.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Bromford and Cat ...


»Good day, young man. What do you do for a living?«

An elderly woman in a black business costume with tied back grey hair is standing at the door of my penthouse above the fifteenth floor of the apartment house on 666, Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside. A big leather sales suitcase is standing next to her.

»How did you get up here?« I am asking. »Is Mario or Luigi our concierge or janitor ill or on vacation?«

Oh, why did I guess a posh building like this had a glorified doorman?« the woman is whispering more to herself.

»Well, young man, a nice animal let me in.«

Her smile is getting brighter.

»Hi, there!«

The llama comes jumping across the gravel of the roof-terrace from the staircase, squeezing by into the penthouse.

»Living«, I say.

»I beg your pardon?« the woman says.

»That's what I do for a living. Living. And stop calling me young man. We all know that you are here to sell something and that I am not a young man anymore.«

The woman is straightening her hairdo before she is bending down to open her suitcase. I can see a bunch of thick hardcover books inside.

»That's nice«, the woman says. »But everybody's has got a hole to fill. Maybe I can interest you in our latest series of the bible encyclopedia? Twelve volumes for the price of thirteen for a start and every three months a new volume. All new with colourful pictures every few pages. Jesus, he knows you, young man, you know? And maybe later this month you can come and visit us in the classrooms of our clubhouse next to the Bromford Cathedrale and we can talk about God.«

»No, thank you«, I say starting to close the door. »I hope you find your way down to the street and out of the house. Have a nice day.«

I return to the living-room.

The llama has fastened the hammock in one corner of the room, again, and is swinging slighty from side to side.

»Well«, the animal is grinning. »What do you do for a living, Bromford Bibble? I think we need to talk about God.«

»Ah, shut up, animal!« I say. »And I am still looking for a new companion, you know.«

»Forget it«, the llama says. »You are not a cats' person and you know it.«


Today is Sunday, the 10th of March 2024.

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 281

Today is Thursday, the 7th of March 2024.

I wrote a newsletter the other day and it was talking about ratatouille and cooking rats.
That's what newsletters are for...


"Wouldn't Have You Any Other Way (BC)"

I remember it like it was yesterday
Snow in the park and skaters on the ice
Long black cars standing side-by-side
Loading up the boys at night

Turned up our collars to the chill of the wind
Caught an innocent smile from a taxi at the lights
Not something you'd see on a Bromford street
It's such an uncommon sight

But I wouldn't have it any other way
This city's got a thing about it, don't try to understand it
Bromford City I'd really like to stay
Bromford City I wouldn't have you
I wouldn't have you any other way

Oh the subway rumbled underneath
Italian lights where Joey Gallo died
And the man on the door down at 54's
Letting only the pretty inside

I'd wake with a stranger under the covers
Late in the day and longing for the night
Just like the snowfall there's so many bodies
But somehow it feels so right

But I wouldn't have it any other way
This city's got a thing about it, don't try to understand it
Bromford City I'd really like to stay
Bromford City I wouldn't have you
I wouldn't have you any other way

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 280

Today is Wednesday, the 28th of February.

In my old days, the white mouse said after she and her twenty-seven cousins scared 
away the elephants, the month of February used to have twenty-eight days.
The twenty-eighth day used to be the last day of February.
Why is it suddenly the penultimate day?
What is wrong in this world?

Don't worry, squeaked her cousins. Take our hands and waltz.

And they danced.

🐁🐁🐁     🐁🐁🐁🐁
🐁🐁🐁     🐁🐁🐁🐁
🐁🐁🐁🐁     🐁🐁🐁
🐁🐁🐁🐁     🐁🐁🐁

"Bromford Waltz"

I've been sitting here patiently,
I've been talking to myself
Trying to shake that sinking feeling,
Wishing I was somebody else

And I know it's not easy,
When you don't get what you deserve
You can say that you love me,
But that's not what I've heard

Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford
Well it's got to be that way
Tonight in Bromford

Maybe I'll get right out of here,
All the way back to Turnpike Lane
Find me a girl who can calm me right down,
It's been such a fucked up year

And I know it's not easy,
When you don't get what you deserve
You can say that you love me,
But that's not what I've heard

Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford
Well it's got to be that way
Tonight in Bromford

Maybe I'll get myself together,
Or fall to pieces and run back home
Get me a ticket for an airplane,
I'm tired of being alone

I was on Mulholland Drive with the radio on,
They played Augustus Pablo and the Kings of Leon

We sing, we know it's not easy,
When you don't get what you deserve
And you can say that you love me,
But that's not what I've heard

Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford
Well it's got to be that way
Tonight in Bromford

I think of you,
How we own each other
I think of you,
Yeah we own each other
Own each other
Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford
Tonight in Bromford

Mars and the U.S.A.
In fall, and the Milky Way
It's got to be that way
Kinski's on Broadway
Home a million miles away, away, away

You've met your match
Stars catch your eyes
You've tried I'll bet
You've met your match
You burn like fire
I hide your love
You trust your nerve
You burn like fire
I steal I lie
I tried the thrill
You build me up
You steal you lie
And love me still
Like me you tried
You've cried I'll bet
You've met your match


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Snow Moon …

»Do you think it is really up there?« I ask standing at the door to the roof-terrace of my penthouse apartment above the fifteenth floor of the building on 666, Whitaker Lane, in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside. Did I really once write it was above the fiftieh floor? I am afraid of heights. With shady twirly thoughts I am looking through the glass at the grey, cloudy sky.

The llama is lying on the couch chewing on a crust of bread.

»What do you mean, dude?«

»The moon, animal. I am talking about the moon. It's the Snow Moon and it must be full somewhere up there in the sky behind all those dark clouds.«

»Do you still think there's something magical in a cycle of twelve full-moons?«

The animal is scratching its back against the backrest of the couch.

»You don't really think mentioning the names of the different moons will magically open doors to other worlds and you will meet a faun called Mr. Tumbleweed disguised as a black sheep again, do you, human?«

»Don't be silly.«

As it starts raining I am returning to my armchair and my mug of tea, Earl Grey, hot.

»The faun was fiction, just a flick of my imagination. The Snow Moon is the last full-moon of winter, isn't it?«

The llama is now bouncing up and down with all four legs on the couch now. In not so past times this would have bothered me but I hardly notice that it does not bother me now.

»Doesn't feel like winter to me, dude.«

»It's a very early and stormy spring out there, animal. We are getting close to seasons' end. I heard somebody say, that it might never snow again in Bromford. I miss the snow, animal. I miss the snow.«

Like lots of many times before the llama is leaving the living room not without another sarcastic remark.

»You are a lunatic, Bromford Bibble. Don't forget to take your pills and potions.«


Today is Saturday, the 24th of February 2024.

Snow Moon

Yes, I′m being followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land