Saturday, September 11, 2021

Longer Obstacles …

»Oh, snap!«

»What is it? What's your story?«

»Saturday is here again.«

»And you don't have a story?«


»And you don't want to write or think about 9/11?«

»What do you think?«

»Which movie would you like to watch today?«

»Steel Magnolias. Julia Roberts dies. And hit this!«


»Hit this! Go ahead M'Lynn, slap her!«

»M'Lynn is like Lloyd - both L pronounced.«

»We'll sell t-shirts sayin' "I SLAPPED OUISER BOUDREAUX!" Hit her!«

»Weezer Bordeaux?«

»I do not want to watch Steel Magnolias. I don't wanna be sad.«

»And what does the fortune cookie say?«

The fortune cookie says,

You can always be happy at work on Fridays.

Today is Saturday, the 11th of September 2021.



»Why can't I be happy at work on Saturdays?« asks the antagonist.

»Because Klingons don't work on Saturdays«, the protagonist answers.

»On Saturdays my Klingon belongs to me?«

»What you say, Ant, what you said.«

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