Saturday, September 25, 2021

Longer Ships …

»They are gone.«

»Bromford and the llama? I know, Nigel.«

»No. All those search posters. Someone ripped them off the trees and lampposts. Even the one from the elevator is missing.«

»Mysterious. Isn't the elevator still broken?«

»I don't know, mum. You know I don't do elevators.«

»And what about those fortune cookies? Do you do fortune cookies?«

»The fortune cookies are gone, too.«

Tam ta ta…

»Who made that dramatic noise?«

And the fortune cookies says,

There is no bigger mistake
than always feeling right.

Today is Saturday, the 25th of September 2021.

🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥

»Don't look at the camera! Don't look at the camera!« shouts the protagonist.

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