Monday, September 06, 2021

Longer Trees …

Which movie would you like to watch today?

What are they playing?

Does it matter?

I don't think so. Cinemas are dying. Streaming is booming, as is the digital demence. And nobody thinks about it as a controversity. And I don't even know what words mean when I think about things.

And which movie would you like to watch today?

I will ask my to-watch-app.


Are you serious?

Do I want to watch a strange time-travel thriller with Joseph Gordon-Levitt for certain reasons not really looking like Bruce Willis in it? Hell, no. A fake nose, I think. It's a fake nose they gave him.

Is this a new category in your BlockBlog? Movies I don't want to watch (again)? Or are you trying to establish a new running gag?

Who knows? Who knows?

And who is talking?

And the fortune cookie says,

Your path to fame
will be rocky but fulfilling.

Today is Monday, the 6th of September 2021.


Eight years after Bromford Bibble purchased the blu-ray, the protagonist thinks. Sooner or later, one day or another, he will recognize that the world is not rotating around him and his life.

And he will recognize that plastic will not feed him, the antagonist adds.

And the llama tries to sweep the two of them off the porch - with a water hose.

Off my porch, you poachers! Get off my porch!

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