Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Longer Paths …

»You know that we don't have a porch here at 666 Whitaker Lane, in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside, llama? Don't you?«

»Do you think there is something like porchers?«

»People who like to sit on porches drinking lemonade and doing porching things?«

»I don't know. I really don't know.«

»Which movie would you like to watch today, Nigel? The Muppets from 2011?«

»Mum, I am in my early twenties. I am a college student. And I feel kind of too old for a Muppets movie. And I think I already know that movie. Isn't it about that Walter guy and his big brother from How I Met Your Mother? And doesn't this Walter want to be a real Muppet and gets turned into one at the end of the movie? Everything including a lot of singing and also some dancing.«

»Sounds kind of creepy when you say it that way.«

»And I myself who am or is the smartest walking and talking llama in town think that this Walter dude was a real Muppet all the time. And his brother Marshall only wanted to marry his long love Lily. And me and Julio down by the schoolyard…«

And the fortune cookie says,

Soon you will overcome
many difficult obstacles.

Today is Tuesday, the 7th of September 2021.


»Nine years ago today. And I like porchers better than poachers«, the protagonist says.

»Agree to disagree«, the antagonist answers.

»As if that wasn't your job, Ant.«

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