Sunday, December 01, 2019

Klingon Bells ... Part 1

Klingon Bells, Klingon Bells, Kingle all the way…
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh…
Over the snowfields of a snow planet called Hoth…
Which has nothing and absolutely nothing to do with all this…

'What is going on here, dude?' the llama asks. 'Is this the advent calendar? But what are all these foreign words? Sorry, I do not speak Klingon as you may have noticed. And what is that photo? Harry Potter from Lego?'

'Would you please shut your sweet little mouth, my dearest animal friend.' I am trying to fake a smile behind clenched teeth. 'Have you ever heard of copyright infringement ©? I would have preferred to call that little fellow Happy Rotter from Logo, you know. Just for legal and copyright reasons. And the whole advents calendar was going to be one big photo story about his adventures. And I wanted to call it Happy Rotter and the Secret of Time.'

'OK', the animal says. 'And what kept you from doing this?'

'Laziness', I start to enumerate - a word which here means to list or line up some reasons, 'lack of time and joy and lack of good photo technical equipment. Christmas is coming sooner and sooner every year, didn't you notice that? And I wanted to have more songs with city names in it. These songs gathered here - Klingon songs as you may call them - were supposed to be nothing more than nice little extras in the comments of this blog. But you know, sometimes you cannot control things.'

'Okay', the llama is chewing this word very, very long.

'But it must do this way', I say, 'and it will. From now on every day will be quiz day until Christmas Eve. Let's start with the first song - a special one for my one and only reader - AB - also known as doggie-picture. He or she will know what I am talking about. Add a winking smiley here …'


Now the llama is chewing something that looks a lot like a bar of chocolate with nuts and raisins and maybe some rum in it.

"Der letzte Ricard von St. Bromford"

Ein salziges Grinsen, ein Muschelgesicht
Aus dem eine Gauloise blendend weiß hervorsticht.
Die Kerzen brennen im 'Le Petit Bateau'
und sie trinken den letzten Ricard auf Saint Bromford

Ein Akkordeon heult Melodien in die Nacht
Und die letzte Fischfabrik hat ihre Pforten dicht gemacht
Und die Kerzen brennen runter im 'Le Petit Bateau'
Und sie trinken den letzten Ricard auf Saint Bromford

Ein blauer Pullover von Möwen gebleicht
Eine halbblinde Katze, die um die Ecken schleicht
Und die Kerzen brennen runter im 'Le Petit Bateau'
Sie trinken den letzten Ricard auf Saint Bromford

Und im Hafen die Boote schaukeln im Wind
Erzählen Geschichten von damals als sie noch rausgefahren sind
Die Kerzen gehen aus im 'Le Petit Bateau'
Und sie trinken den letzten Ricard von Saint Bromford.

Happy Rotter
Apprentice at Pigletspots School for Thievery and Burglary

Today is Sunday, the 1st of December 2019.


  1. St. Malo... nice!
    And good, that I didn*t buy the Harry Potter calendar. :-)
    Can*t wait to hear the story

    1. Well, well, well...
      Don't expect anything... Yes, one of the other two advent calendars is Harry/Happy Plotter themed but this figure is not from that calendar.

      Klingon city hit of the day:

      Wingenfelder - Der letzte Ricard von St. Malo

    2. And now I have to do statistics for all these Klingon cities? :(

      116 songs about 66 different cities (and places).

      *** New York IIIIIIIIIIII (including Manhattan IIII and Chelsea I) ***

      Los Angeles IIIIIIIII (including Hollywood III)
      Berlin IIIIIII
      London IIIIII (including Londinium I and Chelsea I and Walthamstow I)
      Amsterdam IIIIII
      San Francisco IIII
      Bethlehem III
      Budapest II
      New Orleans II
      Babylon II (Pompeii is in this part of the list so...)
      Memphis II
      Warsaw II
      Rome II
      Manchester II
      Galway I
      Malice I
      San José I
      Barcelona I
      Scarborough I
      Atlantic City I
      Houston I
      Pompeii I
      Chicago I
      Philadelphia I
      Waterloo I
      Paris I
      Pyongyang I
      Yarmouth I
      Santa Maria Da Feira I
      Berkeley I
      West Palm Beach I
      Hong Kong I
      Cologne I
      Monterey I
      Jerusalem I
      Starkville I
      Odessa I
      Tupelo I
      Leningrad I
      Miami I
      Fribourg I
      Baltimore I
      Montgomery I
      Detroit I
      Folsom I
      Perth I
      Sanibel I
      Harrisburg I
      Washington I
      Gloucester I
      Acapulco I
      Hamburg I (including Wilhelmsburg I)
      Calgary I
      Seattle I
      Blackfield I
      Omaha I
      Gainesville I
      Tijuana I
      Santiago I
      Saint Malo I

      Not even really a (real) city or place:
      Jersey III
      California II
      Albion I
      Gomorrah I
      Essex I
      Idaho I
