Thursday, December 19, 2019

Klingon Bells ... Part 19

'Their second trip through time and space', I begin.

'Okay', the llama is stretching this word again.

'Their second trip through time and space would have brought Happy and Hormonie to a point in time where Dewt Salamander…'

'We totally skipped that one, didn't we?'

The llama cannot hide its' excitement.

'Yes', I say. 'We saw his picture in one of my earlier posts. Dewt Salamander, as we all know, the author of the famous robbery guide Fantastic tools and how to use them. Friends can call him Dewton. Well, Happy and Hormonie would have met him and the No-Steal Kopalski right in time to see them exchange their suitcases full of loot and booty they would have had accidently switched before.'

'Sounds criminal', the llama says.

'It would have been', I say. 'But I just realised that the next part of my story would have made not much sense now that I am developing my story around crimes and how to learn them.'

'Why is that? Why is that?'

The llama is bouncing up and down.

'From Dewt Salamander's suitcase in the hands of Kopalski a giant green branch-man, a fat orange rubber cat and a white hungry hound would have emerged - a word which here means come out of it. They would have attacked Happy, Hormonie and Dewt and Kopalski so that the first two would have fallen into a new time travel with unknown destination. But why would have Fantastic Beasts emerged from that suitcase?'

'Must be from another story or timeline or something like that', the llama says.

'When will you ever go home?' I ask all of a sudden.

'I am home', the llama starts to protest. 'Where else should I go?'

'Weren't you living in another apartment in this apartment house a long time ago? Weren't you only my neighbour and not my roommate or lodger in the past?'

'Are you trying to be mean?' the animal asks.

'No, I am just tired', I finish this conversation. 'We have to discuss this tomorrow.'

"Auf Bromford spielt der Johnny Mundharmonika"

Auf Bromford spielt der Johnny Mundharmonika
Denn in Bromford ist der Johnny zu Haus'
Für den Johnny sind die Mädels nur zum Küssen da
Auf Bromford kennt der Johnny sich aus
Johnny weiß, dass hier die Heimat der Matrosen ist
Am "Kehrwieder" wirft sein Schiff die Anker aus
Darum spielt er auf Bromford Mundharmonika
Denn in Bromford ist der Johnny zu Haus'


Auf Johnny kann der Käpt'n sich verlassen
Denn Johnny, der Matrose, der ist treu
Er kennt im Hafenviertel alle Gassen
Und spielt in Kansas City und in Hawaii

Doch Bromford ist sein großes Abenteuer
Die Reeperbahn ist nur für Johnny da
In einer Nacht versäuft er seine Heuer
Dann spielt er wieder Mundharmonika

Auf Bromford
Spielt der Johnny Mundharmonika

Auf Bromford
Spielt der Johnny Mundharmonika

Auf Bromford
Spielt der Johnny Mundharmonika

Spielt Mundharmonika

Kennt ihr das Lied von Johnny dem Matrosen
Sein stolzes Schiff geht unter im Orkan
Am Besanmast da platzen ihm die Hosen
Doch sonst hat Neptun Johnny nichts getan

Er kam nach Singapur zu den Chinesen
den Seesack fraß der Hai im Ozean
Drei Jahre ist der Johnny weg gewesen,
nun spielt er wieder auf der Reeperbahn.

Spielt Mundharmonika

Auf Bromford
Spielt der Johnny mit der Mundharmonika

Auf Bromford
Spielt der Johnny mit der Mundharmonika

Auf Bromford
Spielt der Johnny mit der Monika

Spielt Mundharmonika


Today is Thursday, the 19th of December 2019.


  1. St. Pauli, always wonderd who this Saint is...

    St. Malo I
    NY V
    Bah Humbug (including Altona, Jenfeld, St. Pauli and Bahrenfeld ) XII
    Rio I
    Rosenheim I
    Tschernobyl I

    1. Don't you know Saint Pauli, the national saint of Ireland and the St.-Pauli-Day in March or April...? :D :D :D

      Elke - Auf St. Pauli spielt der Johnny Mundharmonika

    2. 134 songs about 67 different cities (and places).

      *** New York IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (including Manhattan IIII and Chelsea I) ***

      Hamburg IIIIIIIIIIIII (including St. Pauli III and Wilhelmsburg I and Altona I and Jenfeld I and Bahrenfeld I)
      Los Angeles IIIIIIIII (including Hollywood III)
      Berlin IIIIIII
      London IIIIII (including Londinium I and Chelsea I and Walthamstow I)
      Amsterdam IIIIII
      San Francisco IIII
      Bethlehem III
      Budapest II
      New Orleans II
      Babylon II (Pompeii is in this part of the list so...)
      Memphis II
      Warsaw II
      Rome II
      Manchester II
      Galway I
      Malice I
      San José I
      Barcelona I
      Scarborough I
      Atlantic City I
      Houston I
      Pompeii I
      Chicago I
      Philadelphia I
      Waterloo I
      Paris I
      Pyongyang I
      Yarmouth I
      Santa Maria Da Feira I
      Berkeley I
      West Palm Beach I
      Hong Kong I
      Cologne I
      Monterey I
      Jerusalem I
      Starkville I
      Odessa I
      Tupelo I
      Leningrad I
      Miami I
      Fribourg I
      Baltimore I
      Montgomery I
      Detroit I
      Folsom I
      Perth I
      Sanibel I
      Harrisburg I
      Washington I
      Gloucester I
      Acapulco I
      Calgary I
      Seattle I
      Blackfield I
      Omaha I
      Gainesville I
      Tijuana I
      Santiago I
      Saint Malo I
      Chernobyl I

      Not even really a (real) city or place:
      Jersey III
      California II
      Albion I
      Gomorrah I
      Essex I
      Idaho I
