Saturday, November 30, 2019

Something wicked this way comes ...

* Advent, Bromford, dude.
It is almost this time of year.
Tomorrow we will light the first candle.
Won't we?

- A plastic candle with safe fake fire imitation?

* I hope not, dude. Have you prepared something
like an advent calendar for me and your not existing readers?

- No pressure, animal.

* What are all these sheets of paper?
And all these photographs?

- Get out of my hair.
I am too late. Too late. Not enough time.
Christmas comes earlier from year to year.

* So this is a surprise, dude?

- Someone who shakes beers once said,
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.

* And what does the fortune cookie say?

 - It says,

You cannot convince others 
if you are not sure yourself.

* Stay wooly, dude. Just stay wooly and fleecy.

Today is Saturday, the 30th of November 2019

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