Sunday, November 03, 2019

This is not Halloween…

…as I understand it.

The llama is lying in the hammock in the living room reading a Bromford newspaper.

'Is that the Bromford Planet or the Bromford Bugle you are reading?' I ask.

'Both and none of them', the llama answers. 'Don't you notice I am using my smartphone reading all Bromford newspapers at once and online and none of them for real?'

The animal keeps on singing, 'This is not Halloween as I understand it', at the same time.

'Halloween is over', I say, 'and I think those are not the lyrics of that song.'

'I am 100 percent sure those are the lyrics of that song', the llama says, 'I remembered them well because it reminds me of three of my favourite movies

Doc Halloween
Halloween Boulevard
Once Upon A Time on Halloween…
Fear And Loathing On Halloween.'

'Those were four titles', my remark is, 'and I think the last one has something to do with Las Vegas.'

The llama seems to be grumpy.

'Ah, cut that nonsense, and find a way to deal with your Samhainophobia, dude. Don't you want to ask what I have just read in the newspapers? Come on, hurry. I am desperate about making my brilliant remark about your confidence because of you using a ballpen instead of a pencil for writing your notes down.'

'I don't know what you are talking about, animal', I resign. 'Well, what's going on in Bromford's news?'

'There has been an incident at Bromford's subway construction site', the llama says.

'An accident?' I ask.

'An incident', the llama says. 'They have dug to deep. Maybe we should watch the TV news instead.'

'We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him.'

I can only shake my head and think those silly thoughts.

And the fortune cookie says,

Think about the possibilities before you decide.

Today is Sunday, the 3rd of November 2019. 

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