Monday, November 01, 2021

Longer Stripes …

»Come back,Bromford. Wake up and come back to us!«

What is she doing down there by the pool-side? Did the llama bring Kylie here to the once prison, now hotel island? The North Cothelstone Hall Hotel. Did I once claim the island's name was Kirren Island. Kirren Island the island in the Bromford Bay once used as a prisonfor felons of the most dangerous kind?

I don't know what the real name of this island is. But I think Askatraz sounds right. And the spelling Askatraz is much better than Azkatraz. But the are just those kind of thoughts you think when you are pure thoughts.

»Why is his body all cold?« I can hear Kylie ask.

»Those are the cold winters in Bromford and the south-north parts of this country«, the llama answers. »And it is All Saints today.«

There are still around two months till the beginning of winter I think. But today is All Saints. The llama is right. All Saints, one of the Dias de los Muertos, Days of the Dead.

Remember to be not forgotten. Make sure that the ones who loved and knew you keep a photo or a drawing of you on their home built altars, their ofrendas, or at least a picture or a thought of you in their hearts.

»You are not dead, Bromford Bibble!«

»What are you saying, KussKuss?« Kylie asks.

»He left his body laying here on the lounger by the pool and let his mind wander off but he is not dead. He can still return to us. They did not open the Pearly Gates or the Gates of Hell for him, yet. Can you hear me, human? I forbit you to go away. You still have some very good years over here with us.«

Door Four. Take Door Four, Bromford Bibble.

How do I know which one is Door Four in a round room with four equal, almost identical looking doors in an exact distance on a neverending wall?

»There is a big red Four written all over that door.«


Who is talking now?

And the fortune cookie says,

You have to accept your luck.

Today is Monday, the 1st of November 2021.


»What is stewing gum?« the antagonist asks.

»Don't have a clue but you have to stew a few without a chew.«

»Irish stew?«

»A lamb or mutton and root vegetable stew? You know, everything is better with a little bit of soup.«

»Did you know that they are working on eating ants these day?« the antagonist asks.

The protagonist feels a strong urge to rest her or his eyes.

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